51. Checkpoint

Brubgrok uses the natural chambers in areas 52 and 53 as a holding
area for slaves awaiting shipment. The door is made from iron
bars and blocks the only practical entrance or exit from the holding
area. (It is possible to go through area 53, but the characters
would have to climb down the sinkhole in area 49, make their way
through the tunnel to the other hole, and climb back up into area
50.) The following boxed text assumes the party approaches the
door from the west.
A door of blackened metal bars blocks the corridor here, sealing
off passages that run north, south, and east. Beyond this portal,
a point of light flares for an instant.

The barred door does not seem to have hinges or handles on
this side.

The door’s hinges are on the east side. It’s also barred from the
east side, and a padlock holds the bar in place. A character can
try to reach through the bars and pick the lock, but the bugbear
guard (see below) might have something to say about that. The
guard carries a key to the padlock.

A knock spell opens the door. A character can force the door
with an Open Doors roll, but reduce the chance for success by
1. A successful Bend Bars/Lift Gates roll also forces the door. The
party can beat the door down with weapon attacks; the door can
withstand 50 points of damage before falling apart.

A bugbear always stands guard here. He stays out of sight, in a
shadowy alcove just south of the door. The guard has no comforts
other than a 3-legged stool and a rack to hold his weapons.
He keeps an eye on the door and the corridor beyond using a
hand mirror (that’s the flash of light mentioned in the boxed text).

Bugbear: AC 5; MV 9”; HD 3+1; hp 14 <17>; #AT 1; D 2–8 (morning
star) or 1–6 (<ash> spear). <+1 damage>
<THACO 16>
<XP: 203>

If the PCs start working on the door, the bugbear
takes action. Melee attacks with slashing or bludgeoning weapons
cannot pass through the door, but attacks with piercing or thrusting
weapons can. Thrusting weapons with thin heads and long shafts,
such as pikes or spears, work through the door without penalty.
Shorter thrusting weapons, such as daggers or short swords, also
work, but they have a –1 “to hit” penalty. Long blades, such as
swords, work through the door, but the attacker must thrust with
them and take a –2 “to hit” penalty.

Ranged weapons work through the door, but the bars provide
50% cover (+4 bonus to AC for the target).

While the party is on the west side of the door, the bugbear uses
his <ash> spear. He switches to his morning star if a foe gets past the
door or reaches through it.

Any fighting here alerts the bugbear guard in area 52, who alerts
the guard in area 53 and then advances to help defend the door.
