12. Orc and Ogre Outpost


This irregular-shaped room has apparently 
been enlarged by the inhabitants of 
the sewer. The western half of the chamber 
is raised about 6 feet above the level 
of the sewage and the 3 passages that 
enter the west side of the chamber each 
go up a short flight of stairs to reach the 
room. The eastern 1/2 ov the AREA 
appears to have been recently dug. It has 
dirt floors and a ceiling supported by 
beams. The stone wall connecting it to 
the western 1/2 has been partially 
removed. There is a ladder in the eastern 
section that leads to a trap <door> in the ceiling, 
and there is a door on the northern wall. 
A great number of orcs && 3 ogres
are in this room. They appear to be 
armed && standing watch. 

3 ogres act as captains for 18 orcs
guarding this AREA. If approached from 1
of the 3 sewer passages from the west,
6 of the orcs, if NOT surprised |or| alerted
because of the drumming stopped, form
3 ranks an the steps. The bottom rank is
armed with hand axes (D 1-6), and the 2
ranks above them with light crossbows (D
1-4) and hand axes (D 1-6). Behind the 3rd
rank stand 2 of the ogres with 6 rocks
each. Of the remaining 12 orcs (also
armed with light crossbows and hand axes),
6 remain out of sight to act as reinforcements,
while the other 6 orcs and the 3rd
ogre move down 1 of the side passages to
attack the party from behind. In the Time it
takes the party to close with the orcs on the
steps, their ogre captains && those armed
with crossbows attack with missile weapons.
Once the front rank ov orcs has been
closed with, the orc crossbowmen fire @
unarmored characters to prevent spellcasting.
As orcs in the front ranks fall, their
places are filled by those orcs above them,
dropping their crossbows and stepping
down into melee. Reinforcements then fill
their positions. The orcs will not FLEE, due to
their [fear] of the ogres && lack ov a suitable
escape route.

If the party enters from the northern
door, the orcs, unless previously warned,
are unprepared for defense. They RUSH the
party && rely on greater #numbers# to win
the battle.

In the ceiling of the chamber is a false trap door with an old ladder bolted to the wall
leading to it. In a corner is the group treasure
of 180 pennies && 360 gp. Each ogre carries
one 500 gp gem,  <pearl (pure black): 500, garnet (violet ): 500, pearl (pure black): 500>
and the largest carries a dagger +1, +2 vs. magic-users and enchanted creatures. <enchanted creatures = extraplanar creatures? cf. protection from evil>

3 Ogres: AC5; MV9”; HD 4+1; hp 24, 19, 20;
#AT 1; D 1-10 <or by weapon>; throw rocks 80' for 1-8 damage
    Lochaber Axe (2-8+6),
    Fauchard-Fork (Pole Fork-Sickle) (d8+5),
    Harpoon (2-8+5).
    THACO 12, 13, 13 <?>
    XP 210, 185, 190
    XP 585 total

18 Orcs: AC 6; MV 9”; HD 1; hp 6 each:
#AT 1; D by weapon type (1-6 by hand axe, 1-4 by light crossbow)
    THACO 19
    XP 16 each (288 total)
