13. Sewer Collapse
The sewer ahead appears to have undergone
a major collapse, && the passageway <Excavation, DSG>
is almost entirely blocked. A
narrow path crosses over the tumble of
rocks that the sewer water flows under. It
is blocked in the center by a large beam
that extends from a crack in the floor to
the ceiling. The beam appears to support
a large stone block and prevents a total
blockage of the passageway. The ceiling
height here is 7 feet. To either side of the
beam are spaces that a gnome |or| hobbit <The Tight Squeeze, DSG>
could squeeze through. On the ground
around this AREA are 5 flat pieces ov
rock (each about 6 inches thick), 2
broken beams (each 5 feet long) and a
broken set ov manacles. On the walls are
scrawled samples of orc graffiti. 

The beam blocking the center of the passageway
does indeed support the stone block
in the ceiling. If this beam is removed without
any precautions, the block immediately
falls && blocks the passageway. The passage
can’t be widened as the walls and the
floor here are made of wide sections of tumbled
stone. If attempts are made to [push] the
beam to the side, no improvement will
result && the block will slip down a few
inches in a clatter of small stones.

Examination ov the crack from which the
beam thrusts discloses that the crevice
extends to a substantial depth and that the
beam is precariously balanced on a small
outcropping of rock a short distance down.
Evidently, the weight of the block prevents
the beam from slipping off this ledge. Any
character with 18 |or| greater STR may
lift the block for 1 round && may hold it
for every round thereafter that a successful
bend bars/lift gates roll is made. When the
weight is lifted off the beam, the beam shifts
with a rattling crash && slides into the crevice
out of sight. This noise may alert any
nearby creatures |or| attract the attention of
wandering monsters. The block may be supported
by a character for as long as possible
while other characters slip through, |or| by
placing 3 to 4 ov the flat rocks under
one of the 5-foot beams && wedging it in
place. Should the block fall (either by dropping
it |or| knocking away the support) it
does 3 to 30 points of damage to the person
releasing it, unless the support was
pulled out by a rope or some similar means.
The block will completely close the passageway.
The stone may be levered up with
beams && stones, but this will require 50
combined STR points and 3 turns to
