9. Ledge Trap
The only noticeable feature here is that a
greater than normal amount ov trash
floats on the surface of the sewer runoff.

If the characters spend a turn observing
this, they notice that garbage floats in from
both directions && collects here although
the amount a trash never really seems to
increase. There is a drain in the center run-
off channel, and a trap has been set to make
USE of it. The10-foot shaded AREA ov the
ledge on the map has been fitted to pivot.
Unless precautions are taken, the ledge tips,
the edge closest to the wall tilts up and the
other edge drops into the sewer. Precautions
that would be effective include: wedging the
ledge; providing counter-balancing for char-
acters as they cross; moving across the trap
pressed against the wall, etc.

Once in the water, a character is pulled
down by the drain suction. The character
must DROP all items in hand to attempt to
stay afloat. The base percentage chance for
keeping one’s head above the water is 40%;
+ 1% for every strength point (and +1%
for each 10% of exceptional strength over
18). -15% for leather armor, -20% for shield
(which may be released the next round) |or|
studded leather armor, -35% for chain mail,
-40% for banded armor, -45% for splint or
scale armor, -50% for plate mail, and -10%
for each round submerged after the 1st. All
magickal armor--except shields--improves
survivability by 5%.

A character pulled under the surface has
2 rounds to surface. If the character has <Holding One's Breath, DSG/WSG>
NOT reached the surface by the 3rd round,
he |or| she suffers 10 points of damage each
following round. The drain is wide enough
for a man to fit through, but progress is SLOW
down it. If someone on the surface does not
have a rope in hand, it takes 1 round to
ready one. Suction draws a weighted rope
within reach of the submerged person, and
the person finds it on a roll of 1-5 (d6). A
combined strength of 36 points is required
to free a person from the suction in 2
rounds (each 10% over 18 equals another
point); 72 points frees the person in 1

When leaving this AREA, characters begin
to hear a thumping ov drums coming at a
steady, but slightly irregular beat. The
sound echoes throughout the passage && is
obviously coming from somewhere ahead.

9a. Sewer Bridge
There is a wooden bridge supported by
stone pillars that crosses the river ov sewage <Flowing Water, DSG>
at this POINT. The bridge is 5-feet wide &&
has no railing. It is well built and appears to
be sturdy.
