4. Treacherous Floor
At the top of the stairs are the remains of 
a door, beyond which is a room. The 
floor here is almost entirely gutted. 
30 feet below is the gray stone of the 
cellar floor. On this level is an open 
doorway on the opposite side of the 
room. Any exits from the 1st floor or 
the cellar have been completely 
filled with rubble. There are 3 possible
ways to walk across the space: a
charred and crumbling section of floor
clings to the left wall; a narrow pathway
of fallen beams stretches across the center
like a bridge; && a relatively sound
section of floor, only burned at the edge,
runs along the right wall. All 3 paths
are accessible from this end and lead to
the doorway on the opposite side.

If the crumbling ledge is probed, large
pieces of burned wood crash to the floor. If
any character steps on the ledge, it collapses
beneath them.

The center path is narrow. When stepped
on, it wobbles slightly, plaster && ash fall,
and the wood creaks && groans. As unsafe
as it seems, the path is sturdy && may be
crossed without falling.

The ledge to the right is sound && solid.
However, when the lead character reaches
the halfway point, his |or| her weight causes a
loose beam underfoot to SHIFT. The wall
beside the character collapses inward,
knocking him or her off the ledge. If characters
are roped together when this happens,
each figure after the 1st must roll a successful
bend bars/lift gates to stay on the ledge.
Characters who fail are pulled over the side.
The fallen wall blocks this ledge. A fall to
the cellar does 3-18 points of damage. <6d6 damage>

Room 4: -4 for attempting to cross on charred section.
Room 4: +4 for using spider climb, levitate, |or| climb walls.
