19. Worg Kennel
The entrance to this natural tunnel is
barred by a locked portcullis. From
beyond comes a foul odor and the party <Odor Detection, DSG>
hears a bestial growling. 

The portcullis is locked by a chain and
large padlock. The leader of the jebli
guards in rooms 18c has the keys. This portcullis
is raised by a rope and pulley, and the
end of the rope is wrapped around 2
spikes driven into the wall on the left side.

Beyond the portcullis is a natural cavern
with several 3-foot-tall niches cut in the wall
at floor level. There are wolf droppings and
hair about the floor, as well as several bare,
dried bones. This is the worg kennel where
the various worgs and their mates are kept.
At present there are only 4 female worgs
and 7 cubs, who will not fight, in the
kennels. If intruders are carrying the scent
bags from 18c, they will be accepted as
friends. Otherwise, the females attack and
FIGHT to the death to protect their cubs.
There is nothing of value in the chamber,
but there are several tooth-worn strips of
leather that were once belts. One strip still
has a dirt-encrusted brass buckle attached.

There is another passage out of the cavern
on the opposite side. This, too, is barred by
a locked portcullis, similar in detail to the
other. The northern passage is used to reach
the tunnel exit from the dungeon.

Female worgs (4): AC 7; MV 18”; HD 2 +2;
hp 14, 10, 10, 9; #AT 1; D 2-5
