18a. The Corridor
Here is a natural corridor 15 feet high
and 15 feet wide, with openings at each
end. The corridor is approximately 80
feet long, and the walls and floor appear
to have been worked smooth.

A 15-foot-square net is suspended in the
shadows near the ceiling, approximately at
the midpoint of the corridor. A guard hidden
at 18b controls the net. If the party
approaches from the east, he will drop the
net upon them and blow an alarm horn. If
the party is coming from 18c, he will drop
the net and join the pursuit (if the party is
retreating) or try to escape (if his comrades
are defeated).

Those under the net must make a saving
throw vs. Paralyzation to avoid being
caught. Trapped party members will be
unable to attack and will have no Dexterity
bonuses to AC. Opponents will be at +4 to
hit. Those inside the net can try to free
themselves with edged weapons. A successful
hit on AC 9 wdl cut 1 strand of the net.
A dagger can be used to cut 2 strands per
round. 4 strands must be cut to free a

18b. The Guard Outpost
The guard who works the net is stationed
in this niche. The niche is concealed by a
canvas screen painted to look like the surrounding
stone. The screen has spyholes cut
in it. Those searching the AREA with infravision
in the dark will see an apparent opening
in the corridor here. Those without infravision
have to make a successful roll to locate
secret doors in order to find the outpost.

18c. Elite Goblin Barracks
If the jebli here have any warning of
the party’s presence, they attack before the
party reaches the barracks. There are 9
goblins commanded by a leader armed with
a halberd +1 . The goblins have 9 worgs
that they use as mounts and guards.

If the jebli are warned of intruders
from the east, they mount their worgs and
charge down the corridor on the round following
the net dropping. They charge in
3 ranks of 3.

In a charge, lances do 2-12 points of damage,
and are at +2 to hit (+4 for people
caught in the net). As the 1st rank clears
the party, a 2nd rank will charge while
the 1st rank dismounts and attacks from
the rear. The 3rd rank is used as a reserve.
All attacks are co-ordinated by the jebli
leader, who will avoid combat until the
party is surrounded. The worgs will attack
any characters not caught in the net, while
the goblins will concentrate on attacking
those in the net(+4 to hit and the characters
are not allowed Dexterity adjustments to
their AC.)

If attacked from the north, the jebli
send the worgs to attack first, then join in
the battle when the party is weakened.

Jebli (9): AC 4; MV 6”; HD 2; hp 13, 13,
12, 12, 11, 11, 10, 9, 9; #AT 1; D lance
1-6 or 2-12 charging, morning star 2-8
XP 46, 46, 44, 44, 42, 42, 40, 38, 38 (total: 380)

Jebli leader: AC 4; MV 6”; HD 2; hp 14;
#AT 1: D 2-11 (halberd +1)
XP 48

Worgs (9): AC 6; MV 18”; HD 4 +4; hp 27,
25, 22. 20, 20. 19, 19, 19, 16: #AT 1:
D 2-8
XP 215, 200, 190, 190, 185, 185, 185, 170 (total: 1520)

When the party reaches the barracks,
read the following description:
The room is a spacious natural chamber,
approximately 70 feet in diameter and 25
feet high. Inside are <long> tables, <padded> chairs, and
sleeping mats. Boxes of food, of suspicious origin, 
<apples, soup, wine (Celene ruby), meat, meat, plums>
are scattered around the

room, as are barrels of water. Weapons,
<baselard, spear, sling (bullets), holy water sprinkler>

6 <short> bows, and <6> quivers of <12> arrows are hanging
on the walls.

If the weapons are examined, the party
will find a black, rune-encrusted arrow in
one of the quivers. It is an arrow of bow
breaking and will break any normal bow it
is used in: magical bows get a saving throw
of 10% per magical plus. In a thorough
SEARCH of the room the party will also find
130 gp and an agate worth 10 gp. On the
leader’s body there is a ring with 2 keys
that open the portcullis to the kennels. If the
bodies of the jebli are searched, the party
will find a pouch of foul-smelling herbs on
each corpse. These pouches are used to
warn the 2 watchworgs at 21 that the
bearers are friendly.
