19. The Mirror Corridor
As the door opens there is a clanging
sound. A pair of tin cups have been hung
above the door. The party sees a straight
corridor 110 feet long, lit by torches in
wall brackets spaced every 20 feet. There
is an archway some distance down the
corridor and a door beyond that. The
walls are hung with paintings, now
defaced, and the floor is covered by a
ragged carpet.

The illusion of straightness to this corridor
is caused by a mirror, set at a 45 degree
angle in the southeast comer. The arch
seems to be 80 feet away if the party enters
from the north, 30 feet away if they enter
from the west.

If the characters enter from the north,
they see a metallic mirror reaching from
floor to ceiling along the west wall, 20 feet
from the door.

Before the party does anything else, the
opposite door opens and 3 mummies
step into the room. These are actually disguised
hobgoblins wrapped in bandages and
armed with <holy water sprinklers>, which they have
concealed behind their backs.

Any attacks with normal missiles will be
stopped 30 feet from the mummies, as
though by magick (actually deflected by the
mirror). A magical missile attack, such as a
fireball, will destroy the mirror, revealing a
(false) door behind it. From the party’s
viewpoint the mummies vanish, and the
door seems 30 feet closer

As the party moves up the corridor, the
mirror on the western wall swings open
behind them and 7 hobgoblins attack
the party from the rear (surprise on 1-3).
while the mummies charge and attack the
party from the front. 6 of the hobgoblins
are normal and armed with long swords.
They are led by a sub-chief armed with a
sling of seeking +2 with 20 bullets and a
long sword. He causes 2 extra points of
damage with his sword because of his experience
as a leader. Each hobgoblin carries
2-12 sp.
<8, 9, 11, 11, 5, 9, 8, 8, 4, 6>
<79 sp total>

If the secret door is discovered, the hobgoblins
retreat to room 20 and grab casks of
grease to throw down the corridor. Party
members must roll their Dexterity scores
minus their movement SPEED or less on 1d20
to avoid falling. Those who fall are stunned
for 1 round (giving the hobgoblins +4 to

If the characters enter the Mirror Corridor
from the west, they see the rest of the
corridor reflected (as described in the Players’
Section) if the mirror is still intact. Otherwise
they see the false door in the
southeast corner.

3 Hobgoblin “mummies”: AC 8; MV 12”;
HD 1 + 1; hp 9 each: #AT 1; D 2-8 by holy water sprinklers
XP 38

6 Hobgoblins: AC 5; MV 9”; HD 1+1; hp 8
each; #AT 1; D 1-8 by long sword
XP 36

Sub-chief: AC 3; MV 6”; HD 2+2; hp 16;
#AT 1; attacks as 3 HD monster; D 2-5+2
with sling bullet, 4-10 (2d4+2) with long sword (+2 experience bonus)
THACO 16 (14 with sling)
XP 98
