5. Outer Courtyard
A gentle breeze blows leaves and pieces <wind = x>
of twine about this courtyard. To the
north is the curtain wall with portcullis
and drawbridge. and to the south is the
main gatehouse to the inner keep. Moonlight <1, 2, 3>
and shadow form a stark contrast
within the courtyard. There is a strong
odor of manure and rotting vegetables in <Odor Detection, DSG>
the air. The earth before the gatehouse
has been churned into a 30-foot-diameter
morass of glistening mud. Just beyond
this is the portcullis of the gatehouse.
The portcullis has been lowered, but
does not touch the ground, and there is
enough room to crawl through underneath
it. The wind carries sound down
from the guards on the wall, to add to the
chorus of crickets. As you approach the
gate you see that the portcullis is blocked
by some broken stonework jamming the
track near the bottom.

The muddy patch before the gate must be
crossed--there is no way to go through the
gate without passing through the mud. The
feet of any characters walking through the
mud will sink in about 1 foot and movement
will he cut to 1/4 normal. Any character
who slips and falls in the mud must
spend 1 round regaining his or her feet.

Burrowed beneath the mud is an anhkheg
which waits until a character nears the front
gate or the center of the muddy patch before
attacking. It then attacks at random, choosing
characters who are in the mud. Just
before the anhkheg strikes the crickets will
become quiet, and the anhkheg will erupt
from the mud. The anhkheg will expose
only 6 to 7 feet of its body, and will not
emerge completely into the open. The creature
will bite for 3-18 points, but will not
hold onto those attacked (thus no additional
damage from digestive juices), choosing
instead to throw those it has attacked down
into the mud (where it will take them 1
round to stand and he able to fight again),
Only 2 figures may attack the creature’s
belly (AC 4) per round, and only 1 may
do so if the anhkheg is holding someone in
its mouth. Characters must state that they
are striking at the belly or it is assumed that
they strike the head, flanks, and legs of the

Missile fire or any attacks on the front of
the anhkheg while it is holding a party member
are 50% likely to hit the character rather
than the anhkheg. Attacks from the side in
the same situation will only hit the character
1 chance in 6.

Once the anhkheg is reduced to 1/2
its total HP, the creature will spit acid
up to 30 feet at the nearest group of characters.
All within 5 feet of this line of attack
must save vs. Breath Weapon or suffer 8-32
points of damage. If a character saves, he or
she takes only 1/2 damage. The acid will be
neutralized after 1 round and cause no
further effect. When the creature dies, a
high pitched keening wail will echo across
the courtyard and shadowy shapes will be
seen to crowd to the wall top’s edge. A
hoarse cry of alarm will he set up.

Anhkheg: AC 2/4; MV 12” (6”); HD 5;
hp 28; #AT 1; D 3-18
XP 418

<6 rats; AC 7; MV 15"; HD 1/4; hp 1; D 1>
