6. Entryway of Fire
Moonlight filters through from the inner <1, 2, 3>
grounds of the keep, illuminating the
narrow entryway. On either side of the
driveway are stacked several <large> chests, barrels,
and bales. The portcullis is jammed
open and enough space remains to crawl
under it to reach the cracked flagstone
drive. The passageway is about 20 feet
long and appears to open out onto a
dusty parade ground. Across the parade
ground is an archway that appears to
give access to the remainder of the keep. 

<broken furniture: hassock, shelf, cresset>

If the anhkheg is battled in silence and the

guards are not alerted by the battle, this trap
will not be set off.

The AREA befare the gate will be well lit by
fire and guards on the walls will shoot <long bows>
arrows at the party. Because of the bad
angle of fire only 6 arrows will be fired per
round. The arrows will hit only on a 19 or
20. If the party should attempt to retreat
across the courtyard 12 arrows will be fired
per round at normal chances to hit and the
mud will slow movement of the characters
to 1/4 SPEED. If the party attempts
to fire back at the hobgoblins on the wall,
they will be firing blind into darkness (-4 to
hit). The hobgoblin guards on the wall have
75% cover, giving +7 to their AC (AC 6 (-
1); MV 9"; HD 1 + 1; hp 6 each; #AT 2 with
bow; D 1-6. They will each fire 1 arrow
per round. The guards will not bargain with
the party.

The fire leaps and roars intermittently,
but a narrow channel down the middle of
the corridor appears to be free of flaming
debris. Any person running through this
burning AREA will take damage according to
his movement speed. The Flaming Passage
table indicates both the number of segments
it takes to MOVE through the flames and the
amount of damage taken. 3 points of
damage will be taken per segment in the

The Flaming Passage
Movement 12" 9" 6" 3"
Segments 2 3 4 8
Damage points 6 9 12 24

A potion of speed doubles movement rate
(thus halving damage). If a character saves
vs. Breath Weapons, damage taken is
reduced by 1/2. The fire will not die down.

Characters may soak a blanket with
water (1 water skin full is the smallest
amount that will be effective) and wrap it
around themselves or, more expediently,
roll in the wet mud, and then run through
the passage. If either these or similar precautions
are taken, the character will take only
1 point of damage per segment (no saving
