7a. Stables
These 2 large wooden doors open into
what is obviously a stable. Various animals
are in stalls along all 4 walls. 10
feet overhead is a hay loft filled with hay.
There appears to be only 1 entrance.

There is, indeed, only 1 way in or out
of the stables. Inside the various stalls are
6 oxen, 11 medium horses, and 2 light horses.

2 young hobgoblins are hidden in the
stalls working. If attacked, they defend
themselves with the tools they are working
with. One hobgoblin has a pitchfork
(D 1-6); the other hobgoblin is working with
a shovel (D1-4). If given a chance, the hobgoblin
will sound the alarm by clanging on a
fire gong. The alarm, however, is near the
door. 1 turn after the alarm is rung 6-30
hobgoblins come rushing out the door to
room 8b. There is no treasure in the stables
besides the animals and their gear (including
3 small wagons). <Movement in Land-Based Vehicles, WSG>

Oxen (6): AC 7; MV 15"; HD 4; hp 20;
#AT 1: D-14
XP 190

Medium horses (11): AC 7; MV 18";
HD 2+2; hp 11 each; #AT 3; D 1-6/1-6/1-3
XP 68 each

Light horses (2): AC 7; MV 24"; HD 2; hp 9 each;
#AT 2; D 1-4/1-4
XP 38 each

Young hobgoblins (2): AC 10; MV 9"; HD 1;
hp 4 each; #AT 1; D 1-6 or 1-4
XP 14 each

7b. Guard Bunkhouse
This door has a covered spy-hole at eye
level. The door appears to be locked
from the inside and there is no exterior 

This door is the only entrance to the gatehouse.
It has been padlocked and barred
from the inside. The door opens to a flight
of stairs leading up. If the party makes too
much noise checking out the locked door, a
hobgoblin from 8a will investigate. 1st he
will ask "What's the pass word?" in hobgoblin.
There is none so any guess will be
wrong. Then he will peek out through the
spy-hole. If the party attempts to break
down the door, he will raise the alarm.
