8a. East Stair Room
(The Gatehouse)
This room contains 2 sets of stairs, a 
flight of stone stairs from the entrance to
the gatehouse, and a flight of wooden stairs
leading up to a trapdoor in the ceiling.
In the north wall is a door. Kneeling
in the southwestern corner of this room
facing the wall are 2 <hobgoblins> with halberds;
one is rattling something in his

6 Rats: AC 7; MV 15”; HD 1/4; hp 2;
#AT 1; D 1
THACO 20n1
XP 3 each

The 2 hobgoblins are bored and are

rolling dice. They keep a close watch on the
door in the north wall, but not on the stairways,
since they are more concerned about
making sure their sergeant doesn't catch
them gambling than with doing their job.
There are 2 gp, 15 sp, and 39 cp on the floor
next to them.

<ruined furniture: screen, bed>

Hobgoblins (2): AC 6; MV 9"; HD 1+1;
hp 6 each; #AT 1; D 1-10 <by halberd>
XP 32 each

8b. Gatehouse Barracks
This area appears to be guard barracks,
for there are many hobgoblins here
sleeping on crude bunks, eating and talking
at several narrow tables, or tending a
large stew pot hung over a firebox with <Fire, WSG>
hot coals.

If the party bursts into this room, most of
the hobgoblins will be surprised, though
1 bully boy will shout out in hobgoblin
"Ahr, you belly-licking mercenaries are not
allowed here." After 1 round, if the party
does not attack, one of the sergeants will
step forward and ask them their business. If
the party attacks, only 1/3 of the hobgoblins
will be wearing armor, but they grab
their weapons and cry out "Intruders!"
There are a total of 22 normal hobgoblin
guards here and 2 sergeants.

In the eastern tower are 10 hobgoblins.
Most are sitting, eating stew and black
bread. 2 are sitting on a bench, pitching
coppers against the wall. The sergeant here
is sharpening his <long> sword. The hobgoblins
have a total 3 gp, 85 sp, and 30 cp.

In the center section, above the gate
entryway, are 4 hobgoblins. 1 is tending
a large stew pot that hangs over a sand-filled
box filled with hot coals, and is
building the fire up. Another is engaged slicing
tubers and roots for the stew pot and
beside him is a large pile of tubers. The
remaining 2 are leaning against the south
wall talking and looking out on the parade
ground. There are a cutting table and 3
stools in this room. There are also 2
cooking pots on metal tripods over a firebox
in the north end of the room. The 2nd
pot contains bubbling oil. There are murder
holes cut into the floor here and if the alarm
is sounded and enemies attempt to pass the
gate, the hobgoblins pour the hot oil
through the murder holes. Several bags and
casks of foodstuff and water are stacked on
<milk, beef, tubers/roots, ale, sweetmeats, biscuits>
the floor. Each hobgoblin has 2-12 sp.

In the western tower there are many
bunks and 6 of the 10 hobgoblins here are
asleep on the cots. 2 hobgoblins are
watching the sergeant and another hobgobin
practice thrusting with <long>swords. The sergeant
is trying to instruct the other in the
best way to use the sword. Against the
southern wall is a rack of 18 pegs holding 17
light crossbows and quivers of 20 bolts. The
hobgoblins here have 2-12 sp each and the
sergeant of the guard has a ring of keys
attached to his belt which will unlock the
winches in room 4.

Hobgoblin guards: AC 10 (5); MV 12" 49");
HD 1 + 1; hp 6 each; #AT 1; D 1-8 with
long swords
XP 32 each

Sergeants: AC 4; MV 6"; HD 2; hp 13 each;
#AT 1; D 1-8 with long swords
XP 46

8c. Captain of the Gatehouse
Seated at a table in this room are 2
men in banded mail, drinking from mugs
and talking. Boxes of supplies are
stacked behind them and in the northeastern
corner a flight of wooden steps
leads up to a trapdoor in the ceiling.
There are 2 folded cots in the room.

This is Gorbin Stalworth, captain of the
guard, and Kairn, his half-orc lieutenant.
Any intruders who are caught will be
brought here for interrogation. Gorbin and
Kairn will respond to an alarm by bringing
troops through the trapdoor.

If these 2 are surprised, they attempt to
buy time by talking until reinforcements
arrive. Gorbin has a loaded light crossbow
on a <high> stool beside him under the <long> table and
will aim it, under the table, at the least
armored intruder, and fire if the opportunity
presents itself. Kairn wields a huge
sword he calls "Winnower," which he swings
with 2 hands. He has a pouch of 12 gp,
and wears a silver and coral ring worth 300
gp and a gold earring worth 75 gp. Gorbin
wields a <long> sword +1 named "Sundancer" He
wears a neck-guard of silver and coral
worth 1,100 gp, a symbol of his rank, and a
gold belt buckle worth 500 gp.

The boxes contain various foodstuffs and
<raisins, milk, water, soup, etc.>
bandages and so forth. The trapdoor in the
ceiling is bolted shut from this side. Hanging
on a peg on the west wall is a set of keys for
all of the doors in the gatehouse and in the
curtain wall.

Gorbin Stalworth: AC 3; MV 6"; Swashbuckler (F5); hp 30;
#AT 3/2; D <1-8 by long sword +1+2>;
S 14, I 13, W 9, D 15, Con 12, Cha 14, <Com 16>
<long sword specialist>
XP 375

Kairn: AC 4; MV 9"; HD 3; hp 18; #AT 1;
D 1-10 <by two-handed sword>
XP 132

8d. Inner Gatehouse Wall Walk
In both of these wall walks are 2 hobgoblin
guards, pacing back and forth, stopping
to gaze out 1 of the arrow slits placed
every 10 feet, and occasionally chewing on
dried strips of meat to stay awake. The hobgoblins
each have 2-12 sp. At the far end of
each corridor is a garderobe or latrine that
opens onto pits 40 feet below in the wall.

Hobgoblins: AC 6; MV 9"; HD 1+1; hp 6
each; #AT 2; D 1-6 with composite <short> bows
XP 32 each
