64. House of Ill Repute:
The Wild Cat
This large, ornately-constructed building
has only 1 entrance, above which
is a painted sign showing an arched cat.
Noise of revelry comes from within.
Leaning nonchalantly against the building
near the doorway are 5 young
men. They are wearing bulky cloth
tunics and short cloaks of rich fabric,
and long sword scabbards hang at their

The 5 men are rakes wearing concealed
leather doublets. When the party nears
them, they call out in sarcastic and insolent
terms, hurling the vilest of insults upon the
party members. They try to goad 1 or
2 characters into fighting with them. If
they are ignored, 1 will seek to start a
brawl by jumping the 1st party member to
TURN his back on them. If attacked by the
entire party, or severely pressed in any other
way, 2 of the rakes FLEE but the others
FIGHT until down to 8 HP, at which
time they try to surrender and save their
lives. All five rakes have purses of 20 gp and
20 sp concealed within their doublets.

Inside the bawdy house are 14 women
and 9 townsmen in the main parlor, gambling,
drinking, singing, and otherwise <Effects of Alcohol and Drugs, DMG>
making merry. They will not hear a fight
outside over their own din.

Rakes (5 8th level fighters): AC 7; hp 40
each; #AT <2>; D 1-8+3 by long sword
<long sword specialists>
XP 1480
