8. Giant Ants' Lair

As characters near this AREA, they detect a <Odor Detection, DSG>
bitter smell which becomes much stronger
as they approach. They also hear scuttling
and clicking noises. As they round the final
bend, their progress will be blocked by a
chasm, 20 feet across and of greater depth
than vision can determine. Beyond the
chasm, the corridor widens into an oval culde-
sac, the walls of which are pierced by 17
one-foot-wide openings. Giant ants are
moving all about on the other side of the
chasm, on the floors. walls, and even the
ceiling, darting in and out of the holes. They
are carrying food, larvae, or other nondescript
organic material. At any given time,
there are at least 12 giant ants in view,
all occupied with their own business. They
will pay no attention to observers.

2 worker ants are working industriously
at the wall on the lower right-hand
side of the cul-de-sac, apparently carving a
new tunnel. 1 holds a sharp stone in its
mouth, and the other is using what looks
like an iron spike.

The walls on either side of the chasm are
of slick, porous rock. A continual film of
water runs down their surfaces, feeding a
slimy algae which lives on the rock.

There is a slim bridge across the center of
the chasm, of astounding construction: it is
made entirely of dried giant ant bodies,
linked together by locked madibles, clawed
legs, and some dried mortar-like substance.

Giant ants' mandibles are not strong
enough to carve quickly through the soft
rock, so 2 of the ants are employing
tools. 1 is using a sharpened piece of flint
and the other is holding an iron spike. This
spike has been sharpened by long use, and
can now function as a dagger, if taken from
the ants. (The spike was stolen from
humans on the surface.)

The wet side walls are extremely slippery,
and are impassable to man or ant.

The bridge will support up to 300 pounds
(3,000 gp weight) before collapsing. It is
about 2 feet in diameter, and very irregular,
as ant heads, thoraxes and legs stick out in
all directions. Any character attempting to
walk across this bridge must roll his or her
Dexterity score or below on 1d20 to avoid
falling into the chasm (fallen characters are
considered lost). Any who attempt to cross
the bridge on all fours do so safely.

The most unusual aspect of the bridge is
that characters may find it to be easily portable.
The entire bridge weighs only 300
pounds, as the ant bodies are but dried
husks. There is a place near the center where
several ant jaws can be easily unlocked (or
locked), breaking the bridge down into two
sections, one 9 feet long, one 11 feet long.

Any character who crosses the bridge to
the giant ants' side will be attacked by 7
worker ants and 2 soldier ants. Additional
ants will come to their aid, 1 per
round; every 5th reinforcement will be a
soldier. They issue at random from the exit

Characters killed by the ants will be dismembered
by workers, and the pieces will
be carried off into the nest to serve as food.
Each round another limb or extremity will
be severed and carried off, the whole process
taking 8 rounds.

Though it is not likely that characters will
be able to enter the nest through the 1-foot-
diameter ant-holes, the unlikely often
happens in AD&D games, so some information
about the nest will be given here.

The maze of the giant ant nest includes
well over 300 miles of tunnels and several
dozen chambers. Some of the tunnels lead
to the surface, and ants forage both above
ground and below ground. They also grow
edible fungus in several chambers, fertilizing
it with rotted organic material and
excrement. At the very bottom chamber of
the maze is the queen's chamber. The queen
is huge, being 6 feet in diameter and 20 feet
in length, and having 10 HD and 45 HP.
However, she does not move or
attack, and cannot leave the chamber. She is
surrounded by the pretty baubles and
objects that her subjects have stolen for her
from the surface. These include three gems
of 10 gp size, one base 50 gp gem, two base
500 gp gems and one base 5,000 gp piece of
jewelry. There is also a potion of extra healing
and a potion of delusion.
<tiger eye: 10, rhodochrosite: 10, moss agate: 10>
<sardonyx: 45>
<pearl: 500, spinel: 500>
<decanter: 5000>

Worker ants (7): AC 3; MV 18"; HD 2; hp 9
each: #AT 1: D 1-6
XP 38

Soldier ants (2): AC 3; MV 18"; HD 3; hp 14
each; #AT 1; D 2-8; SA if mandibles hit,
soldier ants attempt to sting for 3-12
points of damage, save vs. poison for 1-4
XP 82
