F. Slaves’ Revenge

Here several dozen nearly nude people
(obviously ex-slaves) are in the process of
impaling their former masters. A few of
them are hurriedly making stakes from a
stack of logs. Nearby, several struggling
overseers and guardsmen are being held,
each pinned by several ex-slaves. As soon as
a stake is finished, another slaver is brought
forth and impaled, and a cheer goes up from
the mob.

If the party approaches this group wearing
few clothes (as they were in the labyrinth).
they will be taken for more escaped
slaves. and the mob will let them by as long
as they cause no trouble. If the party tries to
free the slavers and/or stop the impaling, or
if any of the party are wearing clothes
obtained from the squad of looters (area D),
the most aggressive of the ex-slaves will
attack. wielding a motley assortment of
knives, daggers, and stone biudgeons.

The statistics of the attacking ex-slaves
vary slightly, but for convenience use the
average values given. They have no treasure.
They are subject to normal morale as
per the Dungeon Masters Guide, and will
FLEE if things go against them too badly.

A character with high Charisma in a nonhostile
party may be able to sway this mob
to do as he or she asks, as long as what the
character wants will hurt the minions of the
slave lords and not endanger the ex-slaves
unduly. The DM will have to adjudicate
such situations. The slaves certainly want to
finish impaling their captives before undertaking
another task. They cannot be persuaded
to attack the slave lords’ boat (at H),
as they still fear the slave lords’ power.

Ex-slaves (19 0-level fighters): AC 10;
MV 12”; hp 4 each; #AT 1; D 1-4
