by Christopher Wood

Knights of Chaos && Goblin Raiding Party (Games Workshop)
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Dragon Classes - Paladins Dragon 106

HIT DICE: d10 (max: 10)
ARMOR PERMITTED: any up to the quality of chain mail, shield: wooden only
WEAPONS PERMITTED: any, oil = yes, poison = never
ABILITY SCORES: S: 11/18(00), I: 9/18, W: 13/pr, D: 10/18, CO: 11/18, CH: 9/18
WEAPON PROFICIENCIES: 3, -2, 1/3 levels
ATTACKS PER MELEE ROUND: 1/1(1-7), 3/2(8-14), 2/1(15-21), 5/2(22+)

The chaotic neutral fantra, whose name means "guardian," bears
the weapons of the church. Fantras belong to a nomadic culture, the
members of which call themselves meadlennes (?tribe members?).
Fantras sometimes see themselves as guardians of their entire people, their protective and comforting nature giving them a charisma
score bonus of +3 when dealing with other meadlennes. Fantras and
their people care only for their god and themselves. People not of the
same tribe and whose religious beliefs differ from those of a fantra
are called attlennes (?outsiders?) and are regarded as no different
from intelligent animals. Should a fantra ever aid an attlenne without good cause  (i.e.,  without aiding the meadlenne tribe in some
way), he loses his status, is excommunicated and exiled, and becomes forevermore an attlenne and a normal fighter.

Fantras only wear armors of chain mail quality or lighter, and
they only carry wooden shields. They have few personal possessions,
because they must carry all of their equipment on horseback or in
carts when the tribe moves. Fantras prefer mounts with stamina,
depending on them often for their lives.
Wisdom is the prime requisite of a fantra. A wisdom score of 17
or greater adds 10% to earned experience. Strength and constitution
are secondary requisites, adding an additional 5% to earned experience for a total of 28 or more. Fantras receive spell bonuses and
chances of spell failure according to their wisdom scores as clerics do
(see  Players Handbook,  p. 11, Wisdom Table II).
Nomadic fantras never build strongholds. At 9th level or above, a
fantra might attract tabaxi or atomies as followers, but otherwise he
works only with other fantras.

The special abilities of a fantra are:
1. Immunity to normal diseases of all types, excluding magical
diseases and lycanthropy.

2. A 10% chance per level to identify plants or animals, automatic
identification coming at 10th level and above.

3. A 15% chance per level to identify pure water or nonpoisonous
wild foods, automatic at 7th level and above.

4. The ability to concoct antidotes from natural herbs and roots.
The antidote has a 10% chance per level of the fantra of neutralizing
the poison in 1-4 rounds. This ability assumes the availability of
proper herbs and roots. Concoction time ranges from 2 rounds to 2
hours, depending on the complexity of the poison (and therefore the
antidote). The fantra must know the exact nature of the poison to
concoct a suitable antidote,

5 .   S p e l l   u s e   a t   1 s t   l e v e l   a n d   a b o v e .   F a n t r a   T a b l e   I I   s h o w s   t h e
n u m b e r   a n d   l e v e l   o f   s u c h   s p e l l s .

T h e   s t r i c t u r e s   o f   a   f a n t r a   a r e :
1 .   F o r b i d d e n   r e t e n t i o n   o f   w e a l t h .   A l l   t r e a s u r e   f a l l s   t o   t h e   t r i b e   a n d
i t s   e i g e n   ( c h i e f t a i n ) .   F a n t r a s   k e e p   o n l y   p e r s o n a l   m a g i c   i t e m s   s u c h   a s
w e a p o n s   a n d   r i n g s .

2 .   T r i b a l   g a i n   o v e r   p e r s o n a l   g a i n .   T h e   f a n t r a   m u s t   s a c r i f i c e   a l l   f o r
t h e   t r i b e .

Fantra Table I
Hit points Level title
0 -- 2,250 1 d10 Fantra
2,251 -- 4,500 2 2d10 Fantra
4,501 -- 7,500 3 3d10 Fantra
7,501 -- 15,000 4 4d10 Fantra
15,001 -- 35,000 5 5d10 Fantra
35,001 -- 50,000 6 6d10 Fantra
50,001 -- 125,000 7 7d10 Fantra
125,001 -- 225,000 8 8d10 Fantra
225,001 -- 350,000 9 9d10 Fantra
350,001 -- 700,000 10 10d10 Fantra
700,001 -- 1,050,000 11 10d10 + 4 Fantra
1,050,001 -- 1,400,000 12 10d10 + 8 Fantra

Fantras gain one level per 350,000 experience points above 9th
Fantras gain 4 hit points per level above 10th level.

Fantra Table II: Spells usable by experience level
1 2 3 4
1 1 - - -
2 1 - - -
3 2 - - -
4 3 - - -
5 4 1 - -
6 4 1 - -
7 4 2 - -
8 4 3 1 -
9 4 4 2 1
10 4 4 3 2
11 4 4 4 3
12* 4 4 4 4

Fantras have a unique spell list. They acquire and cast spells in
the same way that a cleric does, by meditation and prayer.

Fantra spell list
Number 1st level 2nd level 3rd level  4th level
1 Animal friendship (d) Cure disease (3) Animal summoning I (d4) Animal summoning II (d5)
2 Cure light wounds Detect charm Continual light Atonement (5)
3 Detect good/evil Dispel magic (3) Cure serious wounds (4) Control temp. 10' r. (d)
4 Detect magic Find traps Detect lie (4) Control winds (d5)
5 Detect snares & pits (d) Know alignment Neutralize poison (4) Cure critical wounds (5)
6 Invis. to animals (d) Locate plants (d) Prayer Exorcise
7 Light Predict weather (d) Protection from insects (f) Flame strike (5)
8 Locate animals (d) Produce flame (d) Remove curse Insect plague (5)
9 Protection from plants (f) Protection from animals (f) Snare Resurrection (7)
10 Remove fear Resist fire Speak with dead True seeing (5)
11 Resist cold Slow poison - -
12 Sanctuary Speak with animals - -

Unless otherwise indicated, all fantra spells correspond to the
cleric spell of the same name and level. A number after a spell indicates the spell is normally of a level different from that at which a
fantra learns the spell. A letter after the spell indicates that the spell
normally belongs to a class other than the cleric (d = druid, f =
special fantra spell). New spell definitions follow, in the format of
the  Players Handbook.

Protection from Plants  (Abjuration)
Level:  1
Range:  Touch
Duration:  2 rounds/level
Area of effect:  Creature touched
Components:  V,S,M
Casting Time:  3 segments
Saving Throw:  None
Explanation/Description: This spell prevents bodily contact between the creature touched (the caster or a willing recipient of the
spell) and normal plants in a manner similar to the  protection from
evil  spell. The spell does not inhibit monsters and plants of a magic
nature (excluding giant normal plants). All attacks from normal
plants incur a -2 penalty on hit rolls. Saving throws for the spell
recipient against attacks from normal plants receive a +2 bonus.
The material components of the spell consist of plant fiber (any type)
and crushed leaves.

Protection from Animals  (Abjuration)
Level:  2
Range:  Touch
Duration:  2 rounds/level
Area of effect:  Creature touched
Components:  V,S,M
Casting Time:  6 segments
Saving Throw:  None
Explanation/Description: This spell prevents bodily contact between the creature touched (the caster or a willing recipient of the
spell) and normal animals in a manner similar to the  protection from
evil  spell. The spell does not inhibit monsters and animals of a magic
nature (excluding giant normal animals). All attacks from normal
animals incur a -2 penalty on hit rolls. Saving throws for the spell
recipient against attacks from normal animals receive a +2 bonus.
The material components of the spell consists of animal hair (any
type), a chip of animal bone, and a drop of animal blood.

Protection from Insects  (Abjuration)
Level:  3
Range:  Touch
Duration:  2 rounds/level
Area of effect:  Creature touched
Components:  V,S,M
Casting Time:  9 segments
Saving Throw:  None
Explanation/Description: This spell prevents bodily contact between the creature touched (the caster or a willing recipient of the
spell) and normal insects in a manner similar to the  protection from
evil  spell. The spell does not inhibit monsters and insects of a magic
nature (excluding giant normal insects). All attacks from normal
insects incur a - 2 penalty on hit rolls. Saving throws for the spell
recipient against attacks from normal insects receive a +2 bonus.
The material components of the spell consist of ground insect bodies.

Warriors of Chaos, by Ral Partha