by Robert J. Kuntz

(c) 1982 E. Gary Gygax.
All rights reserved.

Sea Barons North Province - Solnor Ocean See of Medegia
Dragon #63 - The World of Greyhawk - Dragon magazine

Much has transpired concerning the Great Kingdom and its environs. Nyrond’s troops still are mustering. The gathering forces might well see action before year’s end. Almor’s position as a buffer between Nyrond and the Great Kingdom is less palatable than ever for them. Although the fear and hatred of the Overking remains unabated, Almor does not wish to become the arena for a battle between the large powers on either hand. The current attempt to dismember the Iron League, with the counter- action in South Province, seems to place Almor in an unavoidable position where she can do little but call up all of her forces and hope to take the fighting to the Aerdi before they can march into Almor.

During the period of CY 577 to 578, the machinations of the See of Medegia seemed aimed at sapping the strength of the

Malachite Throne as much as they chivvied the Great Kingdom’s enemies south and east. Likewise, the prideful Sea Barons appeared bent only upon their own ends. The wheel turns... 

As has been documented earlier, the Lord High Admiral reacted promptly to the summons of the Overking — this despite some severe raiding from the northern barbarians. Asperdi has recently dispatched a sizable contingent of ships and men to the North Province. In essence, this force represents a squadron of warships to control the sea, while a solid block of fighting  men, most of them veterans of skirmishes with barbarian raiders, stiffens the forces of the Herzog. 

Led by the Admiral’s eldest son, Lord Captain Aldusc, known as a respectable commander and excellent strategist, the convoy reached Bellport about mid-year in CY 578. The warships are now reported to be operating along the coast. In- cluded are no fewer than six large galleys and perhaps a score of other warships. The troops were divided after landing into main and reserve groups.

The main force, a contingent of 600 veteran heavy footmen, well armed and armored, and a similar-sized unit of veteran light infantry, with supporting light crossbowmen, javelineers, and elite light cavalry (120 in each contingent), has moved to join Herzog Grenell. In addition to providing a solid infantry block, the light units are reputed to be fine scouts and adept at raiding. This force is commanded directly by Lord Captain Aldusc, a doughty fighter (9th level). With the captain are his hand-picked bodyguards, a force of some 30 horsemen, all of them 1st-4th level fighters.

The reserve force has stayed in Bellport to assure that a secure base is maintained. This contingent is said to consist of 120 veteran heavy infantry, 120 regular crossbowmen, 240 light infantry (to patrol and do scouting in the north), and His Lordship’s Own Company of Artillerists. This latter force is a body of some 120 artillerists and engineers who now man 4 heavy and 6 light catapults defending Bellport’s landward approaches. This contingent is under the command of Sir Radolph Gerdio, Under-Admiral and current Second Captain of the Northern Fleet.

Traffic between the cruising squadrons and Bellport is continual, and information of any sort will be communicated rapidly. Should, for instance, the town be attacked from land, the fleet elements could not only supply it, but these ships could also land well over 1,000 marines and sailors to reinforce the garrison if need be. Likewise, if the ships are attacked, they can be assured of a safe port under the frowning parapets of the town.


His forces battered, Herzog Grenell withdrew them to a position which masked both Edgefield and Eastfair — and no enemies pursued, they being bent on other matters. This left His Grace with the opportunity to rest his battleworn array and seek reinforcements. Both Eastfair and Edgefield were stripped of all available men, adding a stiffening of cavalry and missile troops to the levied footmen. This exhausted all of the available manpower in the whole of the North Province, for the east had already been called upon to the full.

The time granted to Herzog Grenell was indeed fortunate for him, as it allowed the integration of the new units into his army and enabled them to be trained to some degree. With the addition of the contingent of troops from the Sea Barons, the Herzog’s array again approaches a strength of 10,000, and attaining that size would likely prompt the Herzog into initiating a campaign of his own. If the humanoid bands do not immediately force the issue, Grenell might well turn the tide of affairs. If there are major moves from the north, then even the presence of the troops from the Sea Barons may not suffice to stem the tide of invading humanoids bent on sacking the whole land.

Meanwhile, patrols from Edgefield have been probing the Blemu Hills and otherwise keeping a constant watch on the enemy. Obviously, there is considerable concern that a major thrust into the flank of the province is being readied from somewhere around the Blemus, or possibly the northern Adri Forest. With Knurl as a supply base and rallying point, the invaders will be hard to defeat decisively.

Because of this thorn in his side, Herzog Grenell might do well to reconsider his strategy. His battle-ready units might best be loosed on a westward thrust, while the right conducts a holding action with Bellport as a hinge. This switching of fronts will not be difficult because of the Herzog’s positioning near Eastfair and the reliable garrison at Bellport.

In fact, rumor has it that a new commander for the Western Approaches has been appointed. The new provincial troop arrivals are said to be under com- mand of one General Hooglish. Though untried in any major action, Hooglish boasts of calming Knurl and sending the remainder of the orc clans (remnants of the Vile Rune and the ever-strengthening hordes of the Death Moon orcs) fleeing back to the Rakers. It is known to Herzog Grenell that his new general is not in favor of having any of the troops from the Sea Barons with the main body of the North Provincial array. Hooglish detests and distrusts the eastern islanders. Friction, including insults, is rife between the General’s command and that of Lord Aldusc. Hooglish, with a mercenary contingent of about 500, nearly 200 regular heavy cavalry, and over 2,000 levied troops, believes he can handle any enemy force that comes against him. 

The Herzog is in a quandary, for he must not only regain complete control of his own territory but also be ready to furnish troops to Overking lvid when the confrontation between his master and Nyrond occurs soon. The forces of the Sea Barons were not only sent to him by the Overking, but they are excellent troops as well.

Dare he risk failure in a battle once again? Can he offend the Malachite Throne? Yet, if Hooglish alone can defeat the humanoids and win all, what glory for Grenell himself! What honor for North Province! Best of all, the Sea Barons contingent could be sent in lieu of provincial troops, thus allowing the Herzog to rebuild an effective force once again.


During the season of 577, much minor activity took place along the coast of North Province and off the northern end of the Island of Asperdi. Some raiders were met and actions were fought; some slipped through, some turned elsewhere. Reportedly a squadron of seven Schnai longships were set upon whilst sinking the hulks of two provincial merchants, the vessels Marntig and Solos. Guided by the smoke and flames, a flotilla of Baronial warships surprised the barbarians. Three of the Schnai were rammed and sunk. In hand-to-hand action, the flagship of the barbarians’ fleet was captured, but the three remaining longships escaped after jettisoning all of their captured cargo.

The flagship was occupied with the help of prisoners who broke free during the confused fighting and set fire to the vessel’s sail. Jarl Froztilth, leader of the Schnai, many of his men, and the captured ship were all taken to Asperdi. News of this success was said to have greatly heartened the Herzog.

This event notwithstanding, many of the vessels from the cold north did manage to avoid patrolling warships and successfully raid North Province and the Baronial Isles. Captured cargo and undesired weapons are said to find a ready market at Dekspoint (at the easternmost tip of Loftwood Peninsula) or at Marner in Ratik. 

After pursuing his own aims for most of 577, the Holy Censor decided obedience to the Malachite Throne would be a better course to follow. Severe losses in manpower due to the successes of his enemies, coupled with threats of a punitive invasion by the Overking’s forces, brought about this change of attitude. 

During the remainder of the year, and well into CY 578, the See has been a hive of frenzied activity. Spidensa, His Equitable Nemesis of Medegia, is now heavily into the councils of Ivid. Past transgressions evidently forgiven, the arch-cleric has been named Imperial Constable, with instructions to gather an army and send it deep into the heart of Sunndi. There are many tracks through the Hestmark Highlands, and at least one pass through the Glorioles, and by midyear the following troops were said to be marching towards these heights: 

    heavy cavalry 1,000

    light cavalry 1,500
    regular infantry 1,200
    levied infantry 2,400
    mercenary cavalry 300
    mercenary infantry 2,100
    humanoids (orcs, etc.) 4,000+

Speculation has it that the Overking does not believe this army will actually be able to accomplish the penetration of Sunndi. But the mere attempt, however costly to the Holy Censor, will serve to bleed Sunndi and her allies as well. The threat will also occupy troops that could otherwise be used to confront Herzog Chelor’s array led by General Reynard.

The Overking intends that, one way or another, the Iron League will be fatally crippled through thrusts against Sunndi and Idee. Spidensa is a willing tool, for he apparently can’t lose either way. If the war goes in favor of the Great Kingdom, Medegia will have contributed substantially to the victory. If it fails, the Holy Censor can’t be blamed, as he will (ostensibly) have committed his every available unit to the plan.

In actuality, it is believed that the cream of Medegia’s troops are remaining with the Holy Censor. There are no fewer than 6,000 “guards” of various sorts at the capital city (which is Mentrey; the WORLD OF GREYHAWK™ Gazetteer erroneously labels Rel Astra, a semi-independent city, as the capital) and about 1,000 more at Pontylver. These troops can follow up a victorious foray into Sunndi, cover a retreat, or see to the arch-cleric’s personal safety.

The Holy Censor would likely have given the Overking more wholehearted cooperation, had lvid allowed his new Imperial Constable to conscript troops from Rel Astra, command a contingent of the Overking’s own soldiers, and as sault Sunndi without interference from Herzog Chelor’s forces. The Holy Censor disdains the Herzogal troops and wishes to conquer the south himself, to bring that area the “light” of his rule.

Chelor is reportedly not unaware of this double-dealing. He has, it is said, asked lvid to send a Marshal (one of the strongest of the Demonic Knights of Doom) to inspect the See and report on its readiness to furnish more troops for the campaign, should the effort be protracted. Discovery in this manner would, of course, humiliate and possibly disgrace the Holy Censor. Already some of his eastern nobles have deserted, abandoning the arch-cleric for service with Reynard. Such an inspection would force Spidensa to yield up his reserves, and in all likelihood they would fall to the command of Herzog Chelor. Therefore, the Holy Censor is using all of his influence and wiles to avoid the Herzog’s attempts to maneuver him into this highly vulnerable position.

Ivid, also reputedly aware of less than full cooperation on the Censor’s part, does not wish a rebellious servant in yet another quarter, being pressed from three sides already. Therefore, it is most likely that the Holy Censor will be kept in line by the continued threat of an inspection and allowed to proceed in his own fashion, since the force he has volunteered is probably sufficient to meet the desired goals of the Overking.

The Holy Censor is himself troubled by news that the dwarves, gnomes, and hillmen of the Glorioles and Hestmarks are responding to his invasion in a most warlike manner and massing to smash any attempted movement through their territory.

And worse still is the news from the north. In Grandwood Forest, a raid by wood elves and foresters has dealt a severe blow to Medegian troops holding the west bank of the Mikar River. An estimated force of more than 3,000 sylvan elves and men lured a host of nearly 5,000 humanoids and somewhat fewer men (mostly levies but also some 300+ picked cavalry) away from their encampment and deep into the forest. Captain General Gahru, commander of the Censorial army, blundered into a carefully hidden trap laid about 4 leagues west of his camp. Thinking that he was pursuing marauding raiders who had come upon him unawares, the Captain General pushed ahead, engaging in light skirmishing against an enemy who was always just out of reach . . . until the trap was sprung.

The trap consisted of two elements: an area of nearly impassable terrain, and well-placed units of elves and men. When missiles from bow, sling, and crossbow began to rain upon Gahru’s now closely bunched troops, it was too late. A panic ensued, and the army virtually disintegrated when it was attacked by a reserve of some 2,000 forester infantry. No humanoid prisoners were taken. Captain General Gahru is missing and presumed slain. Early reports said that less than 20% of the army survived, but later that month (Wealsun 578) stragglers brought the total of survivors to slightly over 30%. Most casualties were humanoid, since these troops were most ardent in pursuit of the “fleeing” wood elves.

With the continued hostile activity in the Grandwood as a menace to the Censor’s southern campaign plans, he has had to strike a pact with a fellow Constable, Drax, the Mayor of Rel Astra. In return for sworn support for Rel Astra’s continued independence of direct control by the Malachite Throne, Drax has agreed to furnish support for the Censor’s tattered forces guarding the forest’s borders. The Rel Astran contingent is said to number some 2,000 men and 1,000 humanoids — although orcs and like troops are not currently eager to enter The Grandwood.

Overking lvid is also reacting to the Captain General’s defeat. Because the inhabitants of the forest have always hated the Malachite Throne and supported the Iron League, lvid has decided to intrude upon the nest of rebels with an Imperial force led by General Banwald. This imperial intrusion into Grandwood Forest might indeed flush out the dissident inhabitants, but a new factor comes into play: Will the forces sent there jeopardize Ivid’s main efforts against the Iron League and Nyrond?

General Banwald (8th level fighter) commands the following force: 

    guard light cavalry 240 
    guard crossbowmen 120 
    Imperial orcish foot guards 240

    mercenary cavalry 150 
    mercenary infantry 750

    humanoid reg. infantry 3,500
    humanoid light irregulars 6,000
    Imperial woodsmen 600 

This force is to drive eastward through the forest for a planned conjunction with the Medegians by late autumn. It has been told that General Banwald would most enjoy confronting his foes on the site of the Censor’s debacle, now called “Gahru’s Folly” or “Grandwood’s Grandest” depending on which side is speaking. In any event, the “scourging action” is certain to produce a result decisive to the area for years to come. If the weather holds, and the two pincers of the attacking force can meet, the rebels are doomed. Yet there are many “ifs” in a scheme so ambitious and difficult to coordinate.

In the next installment of these notes will be included reports of some strange events supposed to have taken place on the distant Spindrift Isles and on the waters of the spindrift Sound, a great sea in its own right. Also covered will be events in Almor and Nyrond — portentious happenings, indeed. . . . . . .