Dragon Magic (The Dragon #15, OD&D) Serpents & Sorcery (Dragon #134)

by Michael Benveniste

Spell Lists - Spell Descriptions - Higher Level Magic
Dungeons & Dragons - Dragon magazine - The Dragon #15

D&D provides for limited magic use by dragons. It is assumed,
however, that the magic of dragons is the same as that of humans and
elves. I contend that this is only partially true.

The magic used by dragons is tempered by their nature. Dragons
are creatures of rock and wind, having little use for plants and water.
They feel little need for offensive spells, believing that their own body
and deadly breath fulfill this need.

In spite of this, driven by their desires for gold, immortality, and
power, dragons learned the secrets of magic untold centuries ago. In
time, many spells evolved enabling dragons to more effectively deal
with the humanoids they have been forced to share their world with.

All dragons have a name which they keep a great secret. No known
power can force even a subdued or enchanted dragon to yield this secret,
nor will communes or similar spells be effective. A Full Wish or
Legend Lore would give strong clues, but a Limited Wish would only
reveal the veracity of a previous clue. If a dragon’s name is spoken, all
works of that dragon’s magic are dispelled, and the speaker has the
power to demand one, and only one, service from the dragon.

Below is the list of known dragon spells. Other, perhaps greater
spells are rumoured, but no one has returned alive to tell of such spells.


Level 1
1. Breath Charm
2. Charm Avians
3. Charm Person
4 Detect Alignment
5 Detect Magic
6. Evaluate Item
7. Locate Lair
8. Magic Pointer
9. Phantasmal Forces
10. See Invisible
11. Werelight
Level 2
1. Alarm
2. ESP
3. Heat Metal
4. Illusion
5. Invisibility
6. Mirror Image
7.  Neutralize Poison
8. See Other Planes
9.  Wall of Gloom
10. Wall of Wind
11. Weave Banner
12 Weight Control
Level 3
1. Binding Spell
2. Control Winds
3. Find Traps
4. Hallucinatory Terrain
5. Hold Mammal
6. Mesh
7. Negate Enchantment I
8. Protection/Normal Missiels
9. Revelation
10. Servant Summoning I
11. Sticks to Snakes
12. Water to Wine
13. Wood to Sand

Level 4
1. Attack Other Planes
2. Call Lightning
3. Charm Monster
4. Curse
5. Extension I
6. Haste
7. Non-Detection
8. Polymorph Self
9. Polymorph Others
10. Rock to Sand
11. Seek
12. Turn Magic
13. Work Weather
Level 5
1. Animate Dead
2. Conjuring Elemental
3. Extend Breath
4. Improved Sticks to Snakes
5. Negate Enchantment II
6. Precognition
7. Programmed Illusion
8. Servant Summoning II
9. Sunwall
10. Time Reversal


Level 1
Breath Charm Any pebble, coin, or small mineral object becomes a
charm vs. dragon breath by use of this spell. Any one object or
person touching the charm is not affected by dragon’s breath.
The charm is destroyed by this breath. Duration: Until used or
dispelled. Range: Physical Contact is necessary.

Charm Avians From 2-8 small (1’ or less), 1-3 medium (1’-3’), or 1
man sized (3’-8’) birds may be forced to serve a dragon by this
spell. A saving throw is allowed if the creature has a greater than
animal intelligence. Range: 12”, Duration: 1 day.

Charm Person Same as Magic-Users Spell

Detect Alignment Allows the Dragon to determine the alignment of
any one person, creature, or object. Range: 12”.

Detect Magic Same as Magic- Users Spell

Evaluate Item This incantation will reveal the gold value of any item.
exclusive of magic properties. For example, chimes of opening
have a value of 30,000 gold and this spell would indicate this, but
not the magic properties.

Locate Lair The dragon employing this spell will learn the exact direction
of its lair, regardless of distance.

Magic Pointer When faced by opposition, this spell will point out the
highest level opponent. The spell is not foolproof, however, and
has an equal chance of indicating anyone of equal level, a 30%
chance of pointing out an opponent one level or hit die lower,
and a 10% chance of indicating a random adversary.

Phantasmal Forces All dragons capable of using magic can use this
spell in lieu of any first level spell. The cunning of dragonkind
makes dragons masters of illusion.

See Invisible Allows the caster to dimly see (rather than just sense) invisible
objects within a 6” radius. Duration: Age class of the
dragon in turns.

Werelight A spell which causes any object to glow with a soft, heatless,
light. Any living creature within 3” of this light that is not
hidden from it will begin to glow with this same light, as will any
creature within 3” of this new source, etc. Moving out of range
of this light will not extinguish it. This light may be created within
12” of the caster. Range: 3-18 melee rounds, or 1 full turn.

Level 2
Alarm This spell creates a silvery rune that no human tongue can pronounce.
If passed over or looked at, it will vanish and alert (or
wake) the dragon telepathically. Duration: 1 week. Range of telepathic
link: 24”.

ESP Same as Magic - Users Spell

Heat Metal Same as Druid spell. It affects a maximum of 1500 gold
pieces in weight. Range: 3”.

Illusion This is the spell contained in a Wand of Illusion. The caster
may move, but may not attack without dispelling the illusion.

Invisibility, Mirror Image Same as Magic-Users Spells.

Invisibility, Mirror Image Same as Magic-Users Spells.

See Other Planes Allows the Dragon to peer into any one plane that it
wishes. While it is looking into another plane, the dragon is blind
to its surroundings, but can sense by smell, touch and sound.
Duration: 3 turns.

Wall of Gloom Creates an opaque wall of darkness with the same dimensions
as a wall of fire. Passing through this will reduce
morale by 2. All light sources, including magical ones, are extinguished
when passing through this wall. Duration: 3-8 turns.

Wall of Wind Creates a wall with the same dimensions as a wall of
fire. Arrows or quarrels passing through this wall will be blown
away, as will man-sized or smaller flyers unless a saving throw is
made. The wall is transparent unless placed over sand, smoke,
etc. The wall will disperse gas. Duration: 3-8 turns.

Weave Barrier A seemingly solid barrier can be woven over any lattice
with man-sized or smaller holes. As examples, thatch laid
over a pit, a spider’s web, etc. may be used as this lattice. The
barrier can appear as anything the dragon desires, or can be
blended into the landscape. If touched in disbelief, it is dispelled,
but otherwise lasts until the light of a full moon falls upon it. An
area roughly the size of the dragon may be covered.

Weight Control Any non-living object may be doubled or halved in
weight by this conjuration. Range: 12”. Duration: 3-8 turns.

Level 3
Binding Spell This spell freezes any object made of metal into one immobile
piece. Magical items are allowed two saving throws. Anything
from a flail to a coat of plates to a war machine will be affected
by this spell. Duration: 1-4 turns.

Control Winds The caster of this spell may change the speed by
± 15 mph, and change the direction by 45°. Duration: 6 turns.
Range: 24” radius.

Find Traps As clerical spell. Only traps dangerous to the dragon will
be detected.

Hallucinatory Terrain Same as Magic-Users spell. However, water
may not be made to appear as land, and vice versa.

Hold Mammal From 1-4 mammals (including men and all humanoids)
can be held with this spell. A saving throw is allowed.
Range: 12”. Duration: 6 turns.

Mesh Similar to a Web, a Mesh created by this spell is roughly twice
as strong, and non-inflammable. If used with the Weave Barrier
spell, the barrier will last until the Mesh vanishes. Range: 3”.
Duration: 8 hours.

Negate Enchantment I Any magic item/device may be temporarily
rendered useless by this spell. The item must be named, and only
one item may be so negated per day. Duration: 2-12 melee
rounds. Range: 6”.

Protection from Normal Missiles As Magic-Users Spell. A dragon
may elect to throw this spell on any combination of creatures that
total less than the caster in hit points.

Revelation This spell acts to Dispel Illusions, and allows the user to
“You will become irresistible to the opposite sex, but your first
born child will murder you.”
A curse may be lifted for 8 hours via a bless spell, and indefiniteanything
else while using this spell. Range: 12”. Roll after each
melee round to see if spell has taken effect.

Sticks to Snakes As clerical spell.

Servant Summoning I A dragon has a 10% chance per age level of
possessing a summoning stone, allowing the use of this spell.
Only EVIL dragons will use this spell except in the greatest peril.
From 4-16 of these creatures will appear for 2-12 melee rounds.
Description: These creatures appear as clumsy birds with wings
too large for their body. They are jet black, armor class 5, and
move 4”/48”, with 2-12 hits each. They attack with 2 talons for
1-2 points each, as well as their beak for 1-6 points of damage.
These creatures are driven off by strong light, and will not cross
water under any circumstances.

Water to Wine A dragon loves good wine. This spell allows the dragon
to convert any water (including salt or tainted) to wine
valued even by Elves. Amount: 20 gallons per age class.

Wood to Sand 1 cubic foot of wood per age class of the caster may be
permanently changed to sand. Living trees and Ents are allowed
extra saving throws. Range: 12”.

Level 4
Attack Other Planes When used in conjunction with a See Other
Planes spell, this conjuration causes a dragon’s breath and spell
attacks to affect the plane the dragon is looking into. Range: as
applicable by spell or breath attack. Duration: 2 turns.

Call Lightning Same as Druid Spell. The actual bolt is 10 8-sided
dice. Frequency: 1 bolt/10 minutes.

Charm Monster Same as Magic Users Spell. Dragons will never use
this spell upon each other.

Curse A dragon able to use this spell will typically curse its slayer as
its dying act, or its subduer after escape. A dragon can curse any
being within sight or memory. The curse will-always come true,
but the time at which this will occur can not be specified. No saving
throw is allowed the victim. Most curse are designed to first
torment, and eventually kill the victim. A typical curse might be,
“You will become irresistable to the opposite sex, but your first
born child will murder you.”
A curse may be lifted for 8 hours via a bless spell, and indefinately
if combined with a permanent spell. One may Wish (Limited
included) that the dragon would lift the curse, but this will work
only if the dragon is still alive. Two Full Wishes will dispel the
curse, as will saying the dragon’s name. No other means will negate
the curse.

Extention I Same as Magic Users Spell.

Haste Same as Magic Users Spell, except either an area or an individual
can be affected.

Non-Detection Same as Illusionists Spell. This spell is not powerful
enough to thwart a Seek spell (below), but will double the
amount of inaccuracy inherent in that spell. Duration: 8 hours.

Polymorph Self A dragon must be very careful when using this spell,
lest it lose its wisdom and name, and be forever trapped in the
polymorphed form. If a dragon takes the same shape repeatedly
or for long periods of time, there is a 2% chance, per day or fraction,
cumulative, that it will be trapped. Silver, Gold, and the
Platinum Dragon dragon are not subject to this danger.

Polymorph Others A similar danger exists in the use of this spell upon
a dragon. Because of the greater change involved, the chance of
entrapment increases to 5% per day or fraction, again cumulative.

Rock to Sand This spell will turn rock into fine sand, weakening and
possibly destroying any object struck by it. 1 cubic foot of stone
per age level of dragon may so be changed. Range: 12”.

Seek Those dragons able to use this spell are among the most feared
of all! It allows the dragon to find the direction (within ± 20°)
and the distance (within 20%) of any object that the dragon has
ever seen or can name. Nothing short of a mind blank or similarly
powerful spell will interfere with the functioning of this spell.
It may be used repeatedly on the same object to provide better

Turn Magic Any pebble, coin, or small mineral object becomes a
charm of spell turning via use of this spell. This charm works but
once for one creature or object touching it. It acts as a ring of
spell turning for this one use. Duration: Until Used, or 1 week
maximum. Range: Physical Contact.\

Work Weather A limited form of Control Weather, causing one or
two of the following to occur at the caster’s will:
1) Call any storm within sight to move in any direction at a speed
of 30”.
2) Cause gale force winds from any direction.
3) Turn aside foul weather from the dragon during flight.

Level 5
Animate Dead Similar to the Magic-Users Spell, but dragon skeletons
or that of any mammal can be animated, as well as those of men.
Such monsters will have 1/2 of the hit dice of the original creature,
and will attack for 1/2 damage. A dragon can animate
skeletons from 2-16 hit dice of creatures (1-8 hit dice of skeletons).
Range: 6”.

Conjure Elemental Same as Magic Users Spell. Elemental strength is
16 dice. Only an air or earth elemental may be summoned, although
an air elemental will not turn on the dragon if control is

Extend Breath Allows the dragon to either make an additional breath
of any type normally available to it, or expend the equivalent of 3
breaths in a single breath of double effect and size. If the Queen
of the Chaotic Dragons uses this spell, as she is fond of doing,
she may only use it upon one of her heads.

Improved Sticks to Snakes From 2-16 3 hit die snakes are created by
this spell. All are poisonous, and can spit their venom twice for 3-
18 points of damage with a 6” range. These snakes can only be
hit by magic weaponry. Duration: 1 day maximum.

Negate Enchantment II As the third level spell, except with permanent

Precognition As the psionic ability found in humans. The caster has
an 80, 60, or 50 percent chance respectively to make an accurate
low, medium, or high difficulty prediction.

Programmed Illusion Same as Illusionists Spell. The illusion will
continue to perform as instructed for 6 turns after concentration
is lost.

Servant Summoning II Similar to the third level spell, except 4-32
creatures will appear and serve for a period of 24 hours or less.
Possession of a summoning stone is necessary. Only EVIL dragons
will use this spell, except in the greatest peril.

Sunwall The creation of a wall so bright as to blind the viewer for
5-20 turns, unless a saving throw vs. magic is made. No heat is
generated from the wall, but those attempting to pass through it
must save vs. poison or are permanently and violently insane.
Dimensions and Duration: As a wall of fire.

Time Reversal The spell cannot be cast on any person or creature,
living or dead. The object struck by this spell will revert back to
the state it was at when the dragon was born. For example, a suit
of mail might revert back to iron ore, or a ruined artifact made to
work again. Items in the possession of another intelligent creature
are allowed saving throws. Range: 3”. Duration: Until

Higher Level Magic
With rare exception, only gold and the platinum dragons can use
spells higher than 5th level. Little is known of these spells, except that
they are often more powerful versions of the above spells. In addition,
some (50%) of red and bronze dragons, and all silver and gold dragons
will also be aware of “human” magic spells and may employ these
spells as well. The Chromatic and Platinum Dragons may select from
either list at will. The dragon spells have seldom been written on scrolls.
They will be found only in dragon lairs, and then only 10% of the time.

Serpents && Sorcery: A little dragon-magic can go a long way
Other Notes on Magic - - - -
Dragons - Dragon 134 - Dragon

Although respected for their mighty
breath weapons, dragons have a spellusing
capability that is often passed over.
Magic comes naturally to these creatures
and provides them with both additional
means of protection and a greater degree
of control over the surroundings they
claim as their own. Some new guidelines
for the casting and use of spells for
dragons are presented in this article.
All dragons possess an innate ability to
read magic, and they learn new spells with
the same chances based upon intelligence
as given in the Players Handbook, page 10.
However, dragons do not need to use the
spell write in order to learn a new spell;
they need only study a written spell to
learn it, and it is by this that they may
increase whatever knowledge of spellcasting
they receive initially from their
parents or other instructors, if they
should acquire certain useful tomes and
scrolls. Thus, dragons need not create
spell books of their own. The photographic
quality of a dragon?s memory is well
known, and unlike human and demihuman
spell-casters, dragons do not lose
the memory of a spell once it is cast. Rather,
the casting of spells tires a dragon so
that it merely requires a period of rest in
which to gather its strength to recast a
spell of that level of power. Upon successfully
learning a spell, the dragon forevermore
retains the correct vocal and somatic
components in its memory. This further
means that the spell-casting dragon need
not memorize a specific selection of spells
on a given day, but may pick from the
spells it knows to find the ones most suitable
in a particular situation, requiring
only the proper material components
unless they are unnecessary due to the
creature?s special magical abilities or the
spells requirements.
The level of experience at which a
dragon casts spells is based upon the formula
for noting its saving throws. Up to
young adult age (having 4 hp per hit dice),
the dragon?s level of magic-use equals its
hit dice. From adult age onward, the
dragon?s total hit points are divided by
four, with the result reflecting the level at
which it both saves against and casts
spells. An 88-hp red dragon may boast
that, although it doesn?t cast as many
spells over the course of a day, its level of
magic use is equal to that of a 22nd-level
The greatest problem posed to spellcasting
dragons is the problem of handling
material components. While some legends
assert that the most ancient of these
beasts have learned to do without material
components in some instances, the overwhelming
majority of spell-casting dragons
find it a necessity to make use of standard
material components. This can be difficult
to manage for a creature as big as a house,
and so dragons tend to avoid the use of
small material components. Some dragons,
nevertheless, through polymorph or special
abilities with a particular elemental
force, may be able to use material components
The sorts of spells employed by dragons
tend to reflect those things in which
dragons have an interest or with which
they are familiar. Red dragons, for example,
are well versed in those spells dealing
with detecting or divining the nature of
various types of valuables or magic, and
the offensive spells utilized by them tend
to be fire-based. Silver dragons, on the
other hand, tend to utilize electrically
based spells and are known to be fond of
mind-affecting magic (which benefits a
creature with an interest in humanity). A
listing follows of various Monster Manual
dragons and the spells they are fond of
employing, along with ideas on how these
dragons might use their spells.

Black dragons
These dragons often reside in fens, dark
woods, or caves near such places. Thus,
the spells they often employ are those
which may be put to good effect in such
terrain. Although restricted in the level of
spells they may employ, these dragons are
unique in that they need not employ material
components for some spells usually
requiring them. The spells they usually
use follow.
First level: affect normal fires, charm
person, dancing lights, detect magic,
enlarge (this acts upon the dragon as the
druidic animal growth spell, with comparable
bonuses to damage potential), light,
magic missile, shield, ventriloquism, and
Set up: Having discovered a group of
adventurers camped near its lair, a young
black dragon enlarges and employs a
dancing lights spell in the hope of luring
away a guard to investigate. It thereafter
uses a charm person spell in the hope of
gaining a servant, resorting to one-on-one
melee if the target is unaffected.

Blue dragons


As is not surprising, blue dragons, who
consider themselves masters of the sky,
are prone to using electrical spells to protect
their desert lairs. Their most frequently
used spells include:
First level: detect magic, hold portal,
magic missile, shield, shocking grasp, and
sleep. Second level: continual light, darkness
15? radius, detect good, forget, ray of
enfeeblement, and strength (this spell adds
+2 hp damage to all physical attacks).
Third level: blink, dispel magic, feign
death, lightning bolt, material, and
Set up: Confronted by a group of adventurers
who infiltrated its cave, a blue
dragon utilizes its blink spell to shift position
in order to cast a lightning bolt or use
its breath weapon before going into melee.
Later, it feigns death to take its attackers
off guard, and it attacks again.

Brass dragons
Like blue dragons, brass dragons prefer
secluded deserts in which to lair. The
drawback to such locales is that all too
rarely does the dragon have the opportunity
to converse with other intelligent
creatures, one of its favorite pastimes. It
also must be wary of confrontations with
more powerful blue dragons. The spells it
most often employs are:
First level: charm person, comprehend
languages, friends, magic missile, shocking
grasp, sleep, taunt, and ventriloquism.
Second level: continual light, detect evil,
ESP, invisibility, magic mouth, and Tasha?s
uncontrollable hideous laughter
Set up: Spotting a group of adventurers
as it invisibly flies overhead, a brass
dragon activates spells to determine the
general alignment of the fellowship and
their possible intentions, making its presence
known if the party is generally good
?and trying to make some treasure off
the meeting if it thinks of a way.

Bronze dragons
Often referred to as sea dragons for
their habit of lairing near seas or other
large bodies of water, bronze dragons (not
unlike their brass dragon cousins) exhibit
quite a degree of curiosity about other
creatures, especially humans and demihumans.
Renowned for their ability to
assume animal form in which to get closer
to targets of their interest, they retain the
limitation of all polymorphing dragons in
that their overall color is always prominently
displayed on some portion of their
altered form. The spells most often used
by these dragons include:
First level: affect normal fires, comprehend
languages, enlarge (this spell acts as
the druidical animal growth, with accompanying
bonuses to damage, and the
reverse of this spell helps the creature
assume smaller animal forms), hold portal,
identify, push, shocking grasp, and Tenser
?s floating disc. Second level: darkness
15? radius, detect evil, ESP, forget, mirror
image, and web. Third level: clairaudience,
clairvoyance, gust of wind, hold person,
lightning bolt, and suggestion. Fourth
level: charm monster, dispel illusion,
dimension door, magic mirror, plant
growth, and bestow curse.
Set up: Unintentionally nearing the lair
of an ancient bronze dragon, the adventurers
are discovered by a number of
charmed low-level monsters acting as its
guardians. On being informed by its minions
of the party?s existence, the dragon
may make its presence known, or more
likely assumes animal form and tags along
with the group for a while to watch their
escapades ? lending a hand if the party
gets in trouble.

Copper dragons
Favoring rocky regions in which to
dwell, copper dragons are infamous for

their lust for treasure. The spells they
usually employ are geared to aid them in
that regard and include:
First level: charm person, detect magic,
identify, and magic missile. Second level:
detect evil, know alignment, locate object,
and stinking cloud. Third level: dispel
magic, item, material, and suggestion.
Set up: While traveling through a mountainous
area, the adventurers are confronted
by a copper dragon who
?requests? payment for passing through
lands over which it claims dominion.

Gold dragons
The most powerful of all spell-casting
dragons, gold dragons can be found in
almost any climate. Because of their ability
to assume human form, these dragons
have no limitations on the spells they may
cast when in that shape. Once again, however,
the true color of the dragon is usually
retained in the form of gold-hued hair
or skin. In dragon form, the spells gold
dragons most often use include:
First level: affect normal fires, detect
magic, hold portal, and shocking grasp.
Second level: continual light, know alignment,
mirror image, and ray of enfeeblement.
Third level: blink, fireball, Melf?s
minute meteors, and hold person. Fourth
level: charm monster, dimension door,
shout, and stoneskin. Fifth level: cloudkill,
dismissal, dolor, and telekinesis. Sixth
level: anti-magic shell, eyebite, geas, and
legend lore (this spell gives the dragon
exact knowledge on the subject being
Set up: Having been stymied in his
attempts to discern the powers of a relic, a
PC magic-user seeks out the isolated lair of
a hermitic old sage, renowned throughout
the region as a living library. That sage, of
course, is an ancient gold dragon, who
remains in human form most of the time.

Green dragons
Almost always encountered in woods or
forests, green dragons are certainly
among the most unpleasant of dragonkind,
often using their powers as a means to
bully and subjugate less powerful creatures.
The spells they find most useful
First level: burning hands, charm person,
detect magic, light, magic missile,
shield, sleep, and taunt. Second level:
detect good, mirror image, ray of enfeeblement,
and strength (this spell adds +2 hp
damage to physical attacks).
Set up: During their adventures, the PCs
wander into a small and very unfriendly
mountain village. Befriended by a talkative
peasant girl, they learn that the village
pays tribute to a green dragon living in the
hills nearby, and that the elders are concerned
that the fellowship?s presence will
bring down the monster?s wrath. Should
the PCs face the dragon, they will find the
beast protected by charmed innocents.

Red dragons
The best known of dragonkind, these
mountain-dwelling monsters are infamous
for their greed and power. The spells they
enjoy using include:
First level: affect normal fires, burning
hands, charm person, detect magic, firewater,
hold portal, identify, magic missile,
melt, and ventriloquism. Second level:
continual light, flaming sphere, detect
good, locate object, mirror image, pyrotechnics,
strength (this spells adds +2 hp
damage to physical attacks), and wizard
lock. Third level: blink, dispel magic,
explosive runes, fireball, hold person,
Melf?s minute meteors, suggestion, and
tongues. Fourth level: charm monster,
dimension door, fire charm, fire shield,
fire trap, polymorph self bestow curse,
and wall of fire.
Set up: Cunningly posing as a fire giant
through the use of a polymorph self spell
(and aided by a number of charmed helpers),
a red dragon demands tribute from
those making their way through a mountain
pass it has decided to claim: Should
the ?giant? be attacked, those facing it
realize what a critical underestimation of
their foe they have made.

Silver dragons
As most adventurers know, silver
dragons prefer mountaintops and even

cloud islands in which to dwell. As they
may also assume the form of a human,
typically a silver-haired damsel, they are
unlimited in the types of spells they may
cast. In dragon form, they most often
employ these spells:
First level: charm person, detect magic,
friends, identify, magic missile, message,
taunt, and unseen servant. Second level:
audible glamer, ESP, forget, know alignment,
mirror image, ray of enfeeblement,
stinking cloud, and Tasha?s uncontrollable
hideous laughter. Third level: blink, dispel
magic, gust of wind, hold person, phantasmal
force, suggestion, wind wall, and
tongues. Fourth level: charm monster,
confusion, dispel illusion, and fumble.
Fifth level: cone of cold, dolor feeblemind,
and wall of force.
Set up: Finding itself bored, a silver
dragon assumes the form of a maiden and
approaches a party of adventurers. If
allowed to, it will accompany the fellowship
to have some fun ? and possibly play
a prank or two.

White dragons
Although the least intelligent of dragons,
these creatures can, on occasion, employ
low-level spells, including:
First level: Detect magic, light, magic
missile, protection from good, sleep, and

Set up: Using a snow storm to screen its
movements, a white dragon living in the
mountains swoops down upon a group of
adventurers, hoping to capture a pack
horse for food. It utilizes spells only if it is
attacked and finds escape impractical,
preferring to hit and run.

Other notes on magic

If a huge dragon might have difficulty
handling spell components, it would have
the same difficulty manipulating a scroll
without tearing it. The DM may then
consider allowing scroll use only for
dragons of young-adult age or less. If the
DM permits older dragons to use their
natural read magic ability to employ
scrolls, the formula for noting the creature
?s chances of successfully reading a
scroll by level of magic-use should be the
same as illustrated earlier: Divide the
creature?s hit points by four if the dragon
is of adult age or older to find its level of
magic-use, using the dragon?s hit-dice
score for magic-use level otherwise.
In considering the possibility of spells
functioning differently for dragons than
for normal spell-casters, the following
suggestions are offered:

Alteration spells cast by a dragon upon
itself will not permit the monster to dwindle
its proportions as well as a smallersized
being. Polymorph self, for example,
might allow the largest dragons to assume
human or giant proportions, but no
smaller. Further, nothing done by a dragon
allows it to completely hide its color; the
true scale color will always be present
somewhere in the dragon?s altered figure.
Other spells of this sort which might
raise the strength of normal characters
would effectively add an additional +2 hp
damage to the creature?s claw/claw/bite

Conjuration/summoning spells in most
cases work the same for dragons as for
other creatures. The subject of dragon
familiars must be addressed, however.
Assuming the dragon obtained a scroll of
the spell find familiar (or found some
other way of successfully casting the
enchantment), the benefits imparted by a
familiar would differ from the norm. A
quasit, for instance, would not add a hit
die to its dragon master, but would
increase the dragon?s effective level of
magic-use by one level. A brownie familiar
would not impart an 18 dexterity to a
dragon, but a bonus of +4 to armor class
would be received instead.

Divination spells might work far more
effectively for dragons. Legend lore and
identify, for instance, could provide exacting
information to dragon spell-casters.

Enchantment/charm spells with long
durations might last indefinitely for
dragons. Thus, a charmed monster or
character would remain in that state without
the necessity of periodic saving-throw