Created by Stephen Inniss

MOVE: 9?/27?//15? (MC: C)
HIT DICE: 7 + 14
% IN LAIR: 20%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 tail constriction and
1 weapon
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-12 and by
weapon type
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Dropping in flight;
spells; continual damage
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Spells; various
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral or
chaotic good
SIZE: L (human torso with 20? long body),
Attack/Defense Modes: All/all
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: VII/1900 + 10/hp

Lillendi are natives of Gladsheim (see
DRAGON® Magazine, issue #90), though
they may travel astrally to the Prime Material
Plane and may also be found on the
planes of Olympus or Limbo. On the material
plane, they prefer to dwell in temperate
or tropical woodlands. They are peaceful
and delight in song and conversation, but
they are by no means harmless. Those who
offend lillendi may receive harsh treatment
at their hands, and even blameless individuals
are subject to their pranks. Lillendi are
particularly hostile toward those who seek to
impose civilized order on the wilderlands.

Lillendi can cast spells, charm with music,
affect morale, and use legend lore as
7th-level bards, and they may use any
magical items that bards can use. In addition
(three times per day), fire charm (once
per day), hallucinatory terrain (three times
per day), knock, light or darkness (as a
cleric), Otto?s irresistible dance (once per
per day), hallucinatory terrain (three times
per day), knock, light or darkness (as a
cleric), Otto?s irresistible dance (once per
day), pass plant, polymorph self (into humanlike
form only), speak with plants,
speak with animals, and transport via plants
(once per day). A lillend can understand
any sort of intelligent communication,
including writing or sign language. All
lillendi have normal ultravision, and each
has two major and three minor random
psionic disciplines.

These creatures can breathe water and
can move swiftly on or under the surface
(their features are water-resistant). They are
immune to poisons, noxious gases, normal
fire, the effects of the Positive or Negative
Material Planes (including life-level draining),
and to any magical effect which has a
musical base, such as harpy song or satyr
piping. They are unaffected by all
enchantment/charm spells, and only +1 or
better magical weapons will harm them.

Both male and female lillendi have 17
strength and 16 dexterity ratings for their
human torsos, with attendant bonuses in
combat. Their weapons, sometimes magical
in nature, are usually longswords, spears,
or powerful longbows. If a lillend catches its
opponent in its coils, it inflicts 2-12 hp
damage that round, and does 2-12 hp automatically
each round thereafter. Those held
in a lillend?s coils save, do damage, and
attack at a penalty of -1. Attacks made by
the lillend on held persons are at +1 ?to hit?
and damage. Particularly unpleasant enemies
can be carried into the air and
dropped from a height. Lillendi can carry
up to 2500 g.p. (250 pounds) in flight for up
to 1 turn, though they cannot do constricting
damage while flying.

Description: A lillend has the torso and head of a
comely man or woman, but is provided
with broad, powerful, feathered wings and
has a stout serpentine body from the waist
downwards. Though the humanlike portions
of a lillend are of unremarkable hue,
the feathered and scaled parts of its anatomy
are brightly colored and strikingly
patterned. Each individual has its own
unique color combination and is quite
proud of it. A lillend wears no clothing but
sometimes wears jewelry. It always carries
weapons and musical instruments.

Issue #94: The second sentence of the second 
paragraph in the description of the lillend (p. 50) 
should have read as follows: "In addittion, they 
may activate the following spell-like powers at 
will, one per round, at the 7th level of ability 
(where applicable): emotion (3 times per 
day), fire charm (once per day), hallucinatory 
terrain (3 times per day), knock, light or 
darkness (as a cleric), Otto's irresistible dance 
(once per day), pass plant, polymorph self (into 
humanlike form only), speak with plants, speak 
with animals, and transport via plants (once per 
Dragon magazine MM3 - Dragon #94 1st Edition AD&D