Created by Stephen Innis
Art by Roger Raupp

NO. APPEARING: 1 (10% chance of 4-16)
MOVE: 18?//15?@15?
HIT DICE: 5 + 10
% IN LAIR: 20%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 bite
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Various immunities;
never surprised
INTELLIGENCE: Average to very
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral or
chaotic good
SIZE: M (3? at shoulder)
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: VI/550 + 6/hp

Rummeles are from the planes of Gladsheim
(see DRAGON® Magazine, issue
#90), though they are also found on Limbo,
Olympus, and the Prime Material Plane.
These canids are good-natured and are
particularly friendly toward humans and
demi-humans. Though they are somewhat
unreliable, rummeles generally mean well.

A rummele can blink as a blink dog does,
with the same chance of attacking from
behind and the same ability to teleport away
entirely. It may also activate the following
spell-like powers at will, one per round, at
the 6th level of ability: detect evil/good,
diminution (as per the potion), enemy
detection (as the wand), find the path (or its
reverse), haste (once per day), invisibility,
polymorph other (once per day), and polymorph
self (to humanlike form only). A
rummele may also create food and drink
and other non-metallic items as a djinni
does. A rummele has infravision and ultravision
out to 90?, and can regenerate 1
hp per turn. This regenerative power can be
transferred to one other being, by touch, for
as long as physical contact is maintained.

The rummele is immune to diseases,
poisons, effects of the Positive and Negative
Material Planes (including life-level draining),
and to petrification and polymorph
effects. It is immune to certain will-force
spells as if it had a 20 wisdom (see the
DEITIES & DEMIGODS? Cyclopedia).
Its magic resistance is of the uniform sort,
equally effective regardless of the level of
the spell or its caster; there is always a 30%
chance that a spell will fail against it.

These agile creatures can dodge ordinary
missiles or knock them out of the air on a
roll of 8 or better on 1d20. They have prehensile
paws and flexible joints, and may
climb walls as 10th-level thieves. If they fall,
they take no damage for the first 30' of the
taking normal damage afterwards 
(4d6 for 40') etc.). Rummeles cannot be 
surprised because of their keen senses and 
high dexterity. 

A rummele looks somewhat like a longlimbed,
shaggy dog with pendant ears and a
long, slender muzzle. Its woolly coat may
be of almost any color, and it has shiny
black eyes. A rummele?s charisma is 19 with
respect to other canids (dogs, wolves, etc.),
including intelligent or magical beasts like
winter wolves, and it can communicate with
any dog, wolf, jackal, or fox. Though it is
voiceless in its natural form, the rummele
has telepathy (as per the psionic discipline).
Because of its fondness for humans and
demi-humans, a rummele sometimes travels
polymorphed as them. The astute and
informed may recognize a polymorphed
rummele by its prominent nose and bright
black eyes, which are retained even in polymorphed
form. If it learns that it has been
identified, however, a rummele will almost
always leave the area.
Dragon magazine MM3 - Dragon #94 1st Edition AD&D