Box of Many Holdings
by John Beck
Dragon - Magic Items - Dragon 45

    A Box of Many Holdings  is a cubical, oaken chest. Each face of this
chest may be decorated by ornate carvings of a similar nature (75%)
or without any artwork at all (25%), and there does not appear to be
any obvious lid to the chest. A Detect magic  spell will reveal that
magic is emanating from the direction of the chest.

Each side of the Box  of many holdings  can be treated as a “lid” to
the chest; each side may be opened to display a compartment the size
of the chest itself. (Note: While one side of the chest is opened, the remaining five become locked and no amount of prying or “thieving”
abilities will open any of them). Each side is opened by the same
method: A small hole on each side accommodates a small peg, rod. or
small finger (?) which must be provided by the character. This trips a
latch allowing the side to swing back on hinges, much the same as a
normal chest lid would.

Each compartment thus revealed is capable of holding its own contents, not to exceed the volume of the box itself. This enables the
possessor of the chest to store six times the volume that would
normally be expected from a chest of similar size. (E.g., in a Box of
many holdings with the dimensions of 2’x2’x2’. 48 cubic feet of material could be stored instead of just the expected 8 cubic feet). The
weight of the chest, when fully loaded, is equal to the weight of the
chest itself plus the weight in the compartment containing the heaviest

As with many magical treasures, the Box of many holdings  is not
without its drawbacks. One side of the chest. chosen randomly by the
Dungeon Master, issues a random curse when opened. Treasure may
be stored in this space with no ill effect to the treasure itself, but each
time the side is opened, a new curse, randomly chosen by the DM,
takes effect upon the opener. (Among magical scholars, it is not
known whether the curse is inherent in the creation of the box or if it
was purposely placed there by the Magic-User of yore who created
these boxes). A Remove curse  will remove the curse upon the next
opening only, and not subsequent reopenings.

If the box is destroyed, (saving throw applicable as for hardwood
with magical bonuses), it will do 1 point of damage for each one inch
along one of its sides to all within a radius of 10 feet. (E.g., if the box is
2 feet on all sides, it will do 24 points of damage to those within 10
feet of it). There is no saving throw for this damage. In addition, all objects or creatures inside the chest will disappear upon the chest’s

Experience point value: 3,500
Gold piece sale value: 16,000*
*Gold-piece value is a function of size. The value given here
is for a box that has dimensions of 2'x2'x2'.