by Ed Greenwood
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Magic Items - Dragon Dragon #99
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This item is a black, 7-foot-long staff of stout wood topped with a
sculpted knob resembling a cat's head. When carried on or strapped
to one's person, it imparts abilities related to silent movement and
concealment. The holder/bearer of a catstaff is able to climb walls (if
both hands are free) and move silently as a 9th-level thief, hide in
shadows with a 94% chance of success, see with ultravision to a 60?
range, and cast shadow six times per day. This shadow is a 1" radius
globe of semi-darkness centered on the staff; this gloom does not
block infravision or ultravision, and is negated by a light source
within its confines. It can be dispelled by magical (but not normal)
light which touches its periphery, and unless dispelled or cancelled
by the desire of the staff-holder it remains in effect for 2-4 turns. The
shadow does not allow normal vision into or through its area of
effect, and as such serves as a defense against visual attacks (gaze
weapons, hypnotic and dazzling effects, and the like).

The catstaff is a magical weapon and can be used in combat as a
normal quarterstaff would be; however, it has no bonuses to hit or
damage. It can be employed as a weapon while any or all of its
magical properties are being utilized. The staff never makes any
noise itself while tapping, scraping, striking, or otherwise contacting
any solid object. Many such staves contain secret compartments for
the carrying of small items such as thieves? tools, spell components,
magical tokens, and the like. If it is broken in two, all of its magical
properties are lost.

Experience Point Value: 6,000
Gold Piece Sale Value: 13,000