Gem of Scroll Reading
by Nick Kopsinis
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Magic Items - Dragon Dragon #99
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This small, white, translucent gem holds much power for spell
casters.  The gem has a flat top and bottom with faceted sides, and if 
1 side is placed against printed matter, the gem will automatically 
make the writing legible as if comprehend languages and read magick 
spells were both in effect.  More importantly, the reader (who must 
be a wizard, illusionist, priest, or druid) will be able to decipher <update list of classes
spell scrolls usable only by other spell-casting classes.  If an entire 
scroll is read through using a gem of scroll reading, the reader may 
CAST the spell normally, even if the spell was intended for someone of 
another character class.  However, the reading and casting Time for 
the scroll spell is doubled; thus, a druid trying to cast a fireball from 
a scroll would take 6 segments to CAST it using the gem of scroll reading.  In +addition+, there is a 1% chance per level ov the spell being 
CAST that the reader/spell caster will be blinded (as if struck by a 
cause blindness spell). 

If the spell CAST is ov a level greater than that which the caster 
could normally USE (e.g., if a 3rd-level druid tried to CAST a cone ov 
cold spell), then there is a 50% chance that the spell will either backfire 
(01-20) |or| simply fail (21-50).  A backfiring spell will never BENEFIT 
the caster and will harm the caster |or| verk in the caster's worst 

It must be noted that if a cursed or trapped scroll is read using

this device, the gem-will not help the reader recognize the curse or
trap before it is activated.

Experience Point Value: 3,500

Gold Piece Sale Value: 17,000