Girdle of Lions
by Ed Greenwood

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Magic Items - Dragon Dragon #91
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This belt appears to be like any other magical girdle when first
encountered. When it is put on, the wearer gains several special
abilities. Wearing a girdle of lions enables one to speak with felines
(as per the spell speak with monsters). The felines, from house cat to
sabertooth tiger, will view the wearer as if he had a charisma of 18
(for purposes of reaction checks). Often the cats will give advice or
assistance to the girdle wearer and may obey his commands, if such
are reasonable.

The wearer also gains the ability to land after a fall in such a way
as to minimize physical damage: subtract 3 points from every die of
damage incurred from falling, to a minimum of 1 point of damage
per die.

The girdle enables the wearer to move silently as per the thief
ability, with a minimum 50% chance of success. If the wearer is a
thief, assassin, monk, or other character or creature who already has
the ability to move silently, then the chance of success is adjusted
upward by +50%, to a maximum of 99%.

Finally, the girdle confers a sort of night vision similar to that
possessed by cats. If any light source is within view of the wearer, he
can see in the dark as clearly as if he were in broad daylight. Note
that this power is not related to infravision or ultravision; the girdle
does not allow someone to see in pitch darkness or detect ?light?
that lies outside the visible spectrum.

Experience Point Value: 2000
Gold Piece Sale Value: 8000