Mace of Pain

by Thomas Zarbock
Dragon - Magic Items - Dragon #54

This is a +2 mace that has a 5% chance per hit (cumulative over
consecutive rounds) of causing an opponent to fight at -4 “to
hit” due to the extreme pain caused by the blows of the mace.
The 5% chance accumulates in each round the mace is used, as
long as at least one attack is made in each round and all consec-
utive attacks are made against the same adversary. Thus, a
Mace of Pain which is being used in the fifth consecutive round
against the same opponent has a 25% chance of bringing its
“pain power” to bear upon the foe if a successful hit is scored in
that round. The “pain percentage” accumulates whether or not a
hit is actually scored, as long as an attack is attempted by the

Damage done by the mace heals at half the normal rate. If
used to subdue, the mace causes 90% subduing damage and
10% actual damage. Creatures that do not feel pain will cause
the mace to be treated as only a normal +2 mace, skeletons and
zombies being two such examples.

Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece sale value: 7,000