Potion of Pain <(d133)> Suppression
by Stephen Martin
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Magic Items - Dragon Dragon #99
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This non-magical concoction is presumably a barbarian creation,
but, if so, the secrets of its manufacturing are closely guarded. The
potion deadens pain for 1-4 hours and tends to deplete the user's
energy reserves.

Against magical powers that directly cause pain, such as a symbol
of pain or venom from erinyes' daggers, the potion gives a +5 on all
applicable saving throws and reduces all effects of such pain by half
in every respect but duration. Furthermore, the potion restores 2-8
hp to the drinker (not exceeding the drinker?s original hp total) and
allows the character to exert himself physically as if he were one
strength class stronger. (A strength class is considered to be each
individual line given in the Strength Table II: Ability Adjustments
on p.9 of the PH. Thus, a fighter with a strength of
12 would be able to exert himself as if he had a strength of 14 (the
lowest value of a range is considered to be the strength achieved).
When the potion?s effect ends, the user suffers the loss of strength
and hit points bestowed, and loses an additional 1-4 hp of his own as
well from exhaustion.

Because the potion draws on the user?s reserves, taking more than
one dose at a time can be risky. If two doses are taken together, they
will last a total of 2-8 hours, and the user will lose 2-8 hp when the
double dose wears off: However, the strength-class increase is the
same as for a normal-sized dose, and bonuses against magical pain
attacks are as described above. If three or more doses are taken at
once, the user must make a system shock roll, with a +5% per dose
penalty, to avoid retching and ruining the effect. If the roll is successful,
the duration of the potions will be 3-12 hours, and 3-12
additional hp will be lost at the end. In no case is strength raised by
more than one class, bonuses against magic raised, or more than 2-8
temporary hp bestowed.

Experience Point Value: 0
Gold Piece Sale Value: 100