Pet Rocks
by Roger Moore
Dragon - Magic Items - Dragon 45

Pet Rocks are magical items that exactly resemble Luckstones,
Loadstones, and Stones of Controlling Earth Elementals. There are
two sorts of Pet Rocks, one beneficial and one cursed.

The former sort of Pet Rock will, at a word of command (such as
“Attack!”) leap from the possessor’s hand and fly at any one opponent of the owner’s choice within 60 feet. It will score a hit as if the
owner had fired a missile weapon at close range at the opponent, but
the possessor’s Dexterity bonuses and Strength bonuses to hit and
damage (if any) will not count. The rock is, however, + 3 to hit otherwise, and causes 2-12 points of damage upon scoring a hit. Upon
striking a Stone Golem or Clay Golem, the Pet Rock will shatter immediately, but will inflict 3-30 points of damage upon the creature. If
the rock misses or scores a hit and is not destroyed, it will return to the
owner in the same round it was “thrown.” It may be commanded to
attack once per round, for as many rounds as the owner desires. At
a second word of command (“Heel!”), the Pet Rock will hover 3-4
feet off the ground within 2-3 feet of the owner, and follow him or her
around at a maximum movement speed of 12”. The rock must be
grasped again in order for it to attack an enemy. 30% of these rocks
are enchanted to perform 1-4 other commands of little particular use
to the owner except for show (“Roll over! Sit up! Play dead! Shake
hands!“) Note that a Pet Rock cannot be struck during combat, or
when commanded to attack or heel. Otherwise, it has an armor class
of -4 and takes 30 hits to destroy.

Experience point value: 2000
Gold piece sale value: 15,000

Some 40% of all Pet Rocks are of a malevolent variety. Immediately upon grasping the cursed Pet Rock, the character must save vs.
magic at -4, or become enchanted with the rock’s appearance and
refuse to set it down during all waking hours. The character will, of
course, carry the rock in his or her good or preferred hand, making
weapon use impossible, ruining spells involving somatic components,
making most thieving functions impossible, etc. The character will
resist all attempts by anyone or anything to take the rock away, and
will take precautions to assure his or her continued possession of the
rock. This obsession may be broken by casting a Dispel Magic of 10th.
level or greater power, a Wish or Limited Wish, or the destruction of
the rock (which the character in question will try to prevent by any
means possible!)

Experience point value: -   -
Gold piece sale value: 1,000