Ring of the Eagle
by Roger E. Moore

This ring allows the wearer to shapechange at will into a giant
eagle for an unlimited period of time. All of the wearer?s worn or
carried possessions (except for live beings) are merged with the giant
eagle form and will be unusable while the ring wearer is in that
shape. The user may fly for up to 12 hours non-stop, but will suffer
exhaustion effects thereafter, losing 1 hit point per turn until he stops
and rests for 3-6 hours.

When in eagle form, the user of the ring retains his normal hit
points, intelligence and wisdom scores, and psionic abilities (if any).
He cannot cast spells (although the memory of spells already learned
or prayed for is not affected) and can use no weapons other then the
eagle?s claw and beak attacks. The user has all the physical and
combat abilities of a giant eagle, including superb vision (same effect
as wearing eyes of the eagle). The eagle?s armor class cannot be
improved by any magical device; a ring of protection slipped on a
claw, for example, has no effect.

If the user of the ring drops to less than 1/2 of his full normal HP,
any attempt to shapechange using the power of the ring will
fail until the user recovers enough HP to bring him back
above 1/2 of his normal amount.  This applies whether the user is in
eagle form or in his normal form.

If the user stays in eagle form for longer than 24 hours at one
time, there is a cumulative 1% chance per day thereafter, for as long
as the eagle form is maintained without interruption, that the ring's
powers will "short out," rendering the ring powerless and worthless
and causing the wearer to remain in eagle form permanently unless
a wish spell is used to restore the wearer to his original form.

Experience Point Value: 1000
Gold Piece Sale Value: 5000


Ring removal
Dear editor: 
In the Treasure Trove (issue #91), the Ring of
the Eagle seems to have a contradiction. It states:
"All the wearer's worn or carried possessions are
merged with the giant eagle form while the ring
wearer is in that shape." Doesn't that mean that
the ring can't be removed because it has merged
into the shape?

David Schwam
Piscataway, N. J.
(Dragon #95)

Exactly the point, David. The user of a ring of
the eagle cannot take off the ring, or have it
removed, while he is in eagle form. (If he could,
that might be very hazardous to an ex-eagle's
health.) The ring merges into the eagle form, just
like all other possessions of the wearer, and stays
that way until he calls upon the ring to change
back to his true form. Then it's right back on his
finger, and he can take it off any time. 

-- KM
(Dragon #95)

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Magic Items - Dragon Dragon #91
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