The Skull Mace

by Roger E. Moore
Dragon - Magic Items - Dragon #54

The  Skull Mace  is a magical weapon, initially indistinguisha-
ble from any other magical mace. It may only be fully used by an
evil cleric. In the hands of any other character, it will perform as
a +2 mace. A paladin or good-aligned cleric who grasps the
mace will receive 2-12 points of damage per round it is held.
Neutral clerics will take 1-6 points of damage per round they
hold it. Any character can carry and transport the mace if de-
sired, and will not be damaged as long as the mace is not held or
touched by the hands. The Skull Mace  radiates an aura of evil if
this is detected for.

When held by an evil cleric, the enchantments concealing its
true appearance are dispelled. The mace head is transformed
into a caricature of a human skull, which will remain until the evil
cleric releases the mace, whereupon it returns to its normal

A  Skull Mace may cast  Continual Darkness  twice per day as
the owner of the mace wills. When it is used in combat against a
human, humanoid, or demi-human opponent and the wielder
scores a natural (unmodified) 20, the opponent will take double
damage from the blow and must also make a saving throw at -2
vs. death magic or be slain immediately.

The wielder may also cast an Animate Dead spell once per day
on any human, demi-human, or humanoid body or skeleton.
Zombies and skeletons so animated will follow the directions of
the bearer of the mace, but will remain in undead form for only
one week. Thus, the evil cleric cannot control more than seven
undead with this device at any one time.
    Experience point value: 1,450
    Gold piece sale value: 14,500