Sword, Cursed Everstriking
by Stephen Martin
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Magic Items - Dragon Dragon #91
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An everstriking sword always hits an intended target unless an
impossible blow is attempted, such as striking at a character who is
out of range of all attacks. This weapon has no bonuses to hit or
damage. However, a peculiar effect comes into play when such a
sword is used in combat.

If the sword is swung at an opponent and the die roll indicates
that a miss will occur, then the wielder of the sword loses a number
of hit points equal to the difference between the failed ?to hit? roll
and the number needed to hit the target ? and the sword does hit,
in effect using the wielder?s own energy to guide the attack home.
This energy drain will be felt as a sudden, sharp pain coupled with a
feeling of exhaustion.

If the sword is used against a creature that can only be hit by
magical weapons, it will drain an extra set of hit points for every
?plus? normally required to hit such a monster ? double the
amount against a creature hit only by +1 weapons, three times the
amount against a creature hit only by +2 weapons, and so forth.
Regardless of the number of hit points needed to make its attack hit,
this sword always does only normal damage for whatever type of
sword it is, with a damage bonus for strength added if applicable.

Any character who uses this sword once in combat will be cursed
to always draw the sword in any further combat, and will ignore all
other weapons that he carries in favor of this one. This curse can
only be removed by a wish or an exorcise spell, and the sword must
be discarded immediately thereafter.

Experience Point Value: 800
Gold Piece Sale Value: 1000