Sword of Insanity
by David Baldwin
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Magic Items - Dragon Dragon #91
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This sword functions as a +1 weapon and is never intelligent. On
any modified roll "to hit" of 20 or higher, the sword generates an
energy field around its blade that causes any non-psionic creature
that it strikes to suffer an effect similar to that caused by a psionic
blast attack, producing temporary confusion or insanity. Non-psionic
beings so struck will be affected as per the table on p. 78 of the
DMG, with the being's combined wisdom and intelligence scores
determining the weapon?s effects. Note that insane beings, those
with more than 6 hit dice, and those who are immune to psionic
attack (such as Class VI psionics from the DEITIES & DEMIGODS
Cyclopedia) cannot be so affected.

If a psionic being is struck with this sword and a score of 20 or
greater is achieved on the "to hit" roll, the being suffers a psionic
blast attack of 100 strength points. The sword cannot be psionically
attacked in return.

Experience Point Value: 700
Gold Piece Sale Value: 3500