- Price Weight (#) Rate of fire S M L S-M L 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Manriki-gusari t 5 gp 3.5 1 1" 2" 4" 1-4 1-3 <?> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

t The weapon is able to entangle and fell an opponent if the
"to hit" roll is sufficient to AC 0 and the victim fails to
save vs. breath weapon.

MANRIKI-GUSARI: The manriki-gusari, of Japanese origin,
is made of a 3-foot-long chain weighted at either end with
round or rectangular pieces of iron. The manriki-gusari is a very
versatile weapon; besides being used as a rapidly whirling
bludgeon, it can be thrown as far as 120 feet, occasionally
entangling its target in much the same manner as a bola. At the
DM’s option, skilled fighters or assassins might even be able to
entwine a foe’s limbs within the manriki-gusari, having the
ability to do this on a score equal to hit armor class 8 or better.

Another use for the manriki-gusari is as a garrote-type weapon;
as such, it should be treated as a 3-foot-long garrote, with
paladins being forbidden to use the weapon in this manner.

The manriki-gusari was developed in the 17th century for use
by the Japanese police force (specifically the Yoriki and Doshin)
in apprehending criminals and murderous samurai at the
end of Japan’s feudal age.

by Randy Bowman

New Weapons Equipment Dragon #61 Dragon magazine