Japanese Mythos


Amaterasu Omikami - Susanowo - Tsukiyomi
Ama-Tsu-Mara Daikoku Ebisu Hachiman Kishijoten
Oh-Kuni-Nushi - - - Raiden
Raiko - Yamamoto Date - Yoshi-Iye
- - DDG - -


Japanese Mythos

Amaterasu Omikami
Yamamoto Date
Oriental Adventures

The beings of this mythos present "ideal types" who give their worshipers models to live && grow by.
As with one or two other mythoi,
this allows the true believer to become as one of the gods with enough faith and natural ability (see DIVINE ASCENSION).


The 1st religion of Japan was Shintoism,
and this faith centers around a deep love && affection for nature.

Temples: Temples are arranged around trees and gardens.
All temples have male and female clerics.

There are also 8 million "Kami", or divine spirits,
but none of these have images in the temples (see below).

Shrines usu. face the south and sometimes the east,
but never the north || west as they are regarded as unlucky directions.

There is always a gateway (Torii) to every shrine and

sometimes there are whole clusters of these before the shrine.

Holy symbols: Holy symbols do not abound in this religion,
but there are 3 universal ones:
    *the mirror (associated with Amaterasu Omikami),
    **the sword, <what kind?>
    ***and a cluster of perfect gemstones.

Transgressions: Punishment for transgressions of any type is often through the stripping away of personal ability.
A cleric who transgresses against the gods may lose points from abilities (like strength || dexterity) for slight sins and spell ability for greater sins,
always with the provision that these things can be earned back with greater service.

Kami: The concept of "Kami" is one that prevails in all of Japanese thought thoughout the several faiths of of the island.
It is sometimes translated to "divinity" or "spirit",
but is a much more universal idea that is usu. left untranslated by those that understand it.
All things deserve to be revered and/or dreaded for their own sakes.
The concept is applied to everything:
all animals,
all plants,
or any natural phenomena.
Each of these has its own divine spirit --
the larger (or more important) the place,
the greater the Kami.
If their "place" is threatened,
the Kami may actually materialize as a person with druid || illusionist abilities. <shukenja || wu jen abilities?>

see Nature Spirits +

Warriors Hachiman
LG Amaterasu Omikami, Ebisu
LN -
LE -
NG Tsukiyomi
N Ama-Tsu-Mara, Raiden
NE -
CG (Heroes) Oh-Kuni-Nushi, Susanowo
CN Susanowo
CE Susanowo
Any being wishing luck Kishijoten
Those wishing luck and riches Daikoku

Izanagi && Izanami (deities of creation)

Inari (god of rice)

Ho Masubi (god of fire)

Nai No Kami (god of earthquakes)

O-Wata-Tsu-Mi (god of ocean creatures, tides)

Kura Okami (god of rain and snow)

Shina-Tsu-Hiko (god of winds)

Amatsu-Mikaboshi (god of evil)

Primary Sources:
1. Kojiki
2. Nihon Shoki

