- Price Weight (#) Rate of fire S M L S-M L 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Tlacochtli [] 15 sp 2.5 1/2 2" 4" 6" 1-6 1-6 +2 0 +2 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5

[] This weapon will do additional damage if forcibly removed
from the victim's flesh.

TLACOCHTLI: The tlacochtli is a barbed javelin with an
attached line, and is used much like a whaler’s harpoon. The
tlacochtli is equipped with a 50-foot-long cord which is used to
either force a victim to surrender by threat of pulling the javelin
out violently, or to retrieve the missile should it miss or become
embedded in an undesired or uncooperative target. When the
tlacochtli is ripped out of a wound it will do the another 1-6
points of damage, just as it did going in. Thus, anyone hit by a
tlacochli will be required to cut the line, hold it stationary, or do
whatever is necessary to keep the javelin from being forced
back out.


The tlacochtli can be used in an atlatl, just as a normal javelin,
with subsequent increases in range and adjustments “to hit.”
The weapon was employed in this manner by certain Central
American cultures.

by Randy Bowman
New Weapons Equipment Dragon #61 Dragon magazine