The Half-Dryad
by Bennet Marks

Dryad - Hooves & Green Hair - Half-Satyr
Dragon - Races - Dragon 109

A n d   w h a t   o f   t h e   f e m a l e   o f f s p r i n g   o f   t h e s e
u n u s u a l   p a i r i n g s   o f   h u m a n   a n d   w o o d l a n d
p a r e n t s --   T h e   d a u g h t e r   o f   a   s a t y r   a n d   a
h u m a n   w o m a n ,   o r   o f   a   d r y a d   a n d   a   h u m a n
m a n ,   i s   k n o w n   a s   a   h a l f - d r y a d .   H a l f - d r y a d s
s h a r e   m a n y   c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s   w i t h   t h e i r   h a l f s a t y r   k i n .   T h e   m a i n   d i f f e r e n c e s   b e t w e e n   t h e
h a l f - d r y a d   a n d   t h e   h a l f - s a t y r   a r e   d e t a i l e d
b e l o w :

1 .   Appearance  -- The half-dryad appears
as a normal (and usually quite attractive)
human woman, with one exception. When
the dryad is about 12 years old, her hair
color turns to a brilliant green. Half-dryads
are + 1 on charisma, but - 1 on constitution (adjustments made to originally rolled
scores).  (See "The ecology of the dryad,"
DRAGON® issue #87, for more information on dryads in general.)

2.  Life history  --  If born to a dryad, the
half-dryad may be raised by her mother
until adolescence. At that time, the youngster, realizing she is not a true dryad, may
seek out human, half-elven, or elven com

pany. On the other hand, a half-dryad born
in human society may develop an unusually
intense interest in the forest and its inhabitants. In any case, half-dryads, like halfsatyrs, become acquainted with both human
and woodland ways.

3.  Racial talents  -- Half-dryads have the
same 50% chance as half-satyrs for identifying plant type, animal type, and pure water.
They are 90% resistant to  charm  spells cast
by creatures associated with nature, but
they have no resistance to spells cast by
music and singing.

4.  Point of view --  On the whole, halfdryads are more serious than half-satyrs.
They are not given to excess drinking of
alcoholic beverages. They do, however, love
to sing and dance, and are quite proud of
their beauty and its effects on men. Halfdryads can be quite flirtatious. Other differences are detailed in the tables that follow.
Otherwise, half-dryads have the same characteristics, class opportunities, and restrictions as half-satyrs.

Table I: Class level limits for half-dryads
                                          Value of limiting characteristic
Character class Limiting 
16 or less 17 18
Druid wisdom 6/7 7/8 8/9
Fighter strength 6/5 7/6 8/7
Ranger strength 6/6 7/7 8/8
Magic-user intelligence 5/5 6/6 7/7
Thief dexterity 10/10 11/11 12/12
Bard charisma 12/12 13/13 14/14

Figures to the left of the slash indicate maximum level attainable by half-satyrs with an
ability score of the given value; figures to the right of the slash are for half-dryads.
For example, a half-dryad ranger/magic-user with a 14 strength and a 18 intelligence can
reach 6th level/7th level -- a Guide/Enchantress.
Half-satyrs and half-dryads cannot be barbarians, cavaliers, clerics, paladins, illusionists,
assassins, thief-acrobats, or monks.

Table II: Ability score limits
Ability Minimum Maximum
Strength* 3/3 18/18
Intelligence 5/5 18/18
Wisdom 3/3 18/18
Dexterity 3/3 18/18
Constitution 3/3 18/17
Charisma 5/8 18/18

Figures to the left of the slash are for halfsatyrs; figures to the right are for halfdryads.
* -- Half-satyr fighters and rangers may
have 18(90) strength; half-dryad fighters
and rangers may have 18(50) strength.

Table III: Half-satyr & half-dryad categories
Young adult Mature Middle-aged Old Venerable
19-30 31-70 71-120 121-170 171-225

Table IV: Starting ages for various classes
Druid 29+1d6
Fighter 19+2d4
Ranger 21+2d4
Magic-user 27+2d8
Thief 20+2d6

Table V: Racial adjustments to thieving functions
- Half-dryad
Pick pockets -
Open locks -
Find/remove traps -
Move silently -
Hide in shadows +5
Hear noise +5
Climb walls -
Read languages -

Other information
Listening at doors  (DMG,  p. 60): 15%
Height and weight  (DMG,  p. 102):
    height: as half-elf male
    weight: as half-elf male, + 2d10 pounds
    height: as human female, -d6 inches
    weight: as human female, - 2d4 pounds