Death Prayer (Invocation)

Level: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: One corpse
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 turn
Saving Throw: Neg.

    Explanation/Description: By sprinkling
holy water or unholy water (if the cleric is
evil) over a corpse killed by an undead
while chanting the spell, the cleric reduces
the probability that the corpse will
rise as an undead at some later time.
Further, it protects the body from the
spell Animate Dead that might be cast on
the remains at some later time.

    The corpse is allowed a saving throw
based on its level in life, but not to be
better than 12 on d20 in any case, even
with modifications due to spells or magic
items. Corpses failing the appropriate
saving throw rise as the appropriate undead in the normal manner. If the saving
throw is made, the corpse crumbles into
dust and be forever useless for any purpose. This applies to the victims of wights,
wraiths, spectres and even vampires, in
addition to ghouls, ghasts and other undead that “procreate” themselves.

While under the protection of the Death
Prayer, the victim cannot be contacted
via Speak With Dead unless the caster of
that spell is of a higher level than the
cleric who originally cast the Death
Prayer. If Speak With Dead is successful,
the protection is cancelled and cannot
be replaced. While under this protection,
the victim suffers a -25% penalty to the
chance of success of a Raise Dead or
Resurrection spell. Dispel Magic will not
remove the protection, but Wish or Limited Wish will. The fact that the spell is,
in fact, in place cannot be detected by
anything less than Limited Wish or Wish.

by Lenard Lakofka
Dragon Spells - Beefing Up The Cleric Dragon 58