Fallion's Fabulous Fireball (Evocation) 
Level: 5
Range: 10" + 1"/level
Duration. Instant. 
Components: V, S, M
CT: 4 segments
ST: 1/2
AE: Variable (see below)

    The wizard Fallion

devised this variation of the third-level
magic-user spell fireball for use in close
quarters or in twisting dungeon passages.
It differs from the original fireball in 2

First, the area of effect is variable, ranging

from ½-2" radius sphere. This allows 
the caster to use it in cramped areas without

fear of being engulfed in his own spell.
The exact area of effect must be stated
during spell-casting, but it need not be
specified before memorization of the spell.

Second, Fallion’s fabulous fireball may

maneuver around corners prior to
detonating. The fabulous fireball may turn
one corner for every two levels of experience
the spell-caster has attained. The
magic-user must specify the path which
the fabulous fireball is to take during
casting, but (again) this need not be known
prior to memorization. Thus, the magicuser
might state that the fireball is to
travel 50?, turn 90° to the right, travel 20?,
turn 45° to the left, travel 30? more, then
detonate. If the fabulous fireball contacts
an object before completing its path, it
detonates there. Living beings caught in
the path must individually save vs. spells
to avoid the spell?s path, saving a second
time against its effects if the first saving
throw is failed, Duration is considered to
be instantaneous no matter how complex
the fireball’s path is to be. Range may
never exceed the maximum limit of 10"
plus 1" per level of the caster.

In all other respects, including damage, 
material components, and saving throw, 
this spell is identical to the 3rd-level spell 

Fire Spells +
by Harold Dolan

Spells Dragon 123 - Fire Spells Dragon