Flare (Evocation)
Level: 1
Range: 0
Duration: 1 segment
Components: V, S
CT: 2 segments
ST: None
AE: Special

This spell is typically
used for long-range signaling outdoors.
It produces a streak of intense light
that shoots straight up into the air from
the caster's index finger and remains
visible for one full segment. It is equally
visible in daylight or darkness, and can be
seen from as far away as 5 miles, plus 1
mile per level of experience the caster has

A flare may be used to indicate the
position of the magic-user and his party, or
it may be used to transmit simple messages.
Since the flare’s color is controlled
by the caster, a simple code may be
devised for signaling between an army
and its scouting parties. For instance, a
red flare might indicate that an enemy is
near, a yellow one might mean that the
enemy is retreating, etc.

Fire Spells +
by Harold Dolan
Spells Dragon 123 - Fire Spells Dragon