Hellfire (Evocation) 
Level: 9
Range: Touch
Duration: Perm. 
AE: 1 creature
Components: V, S, M
CT: 1 round
ST: None

The Arch-Mage

Avissar is also said to have personally
devised this deadly enchantment; further,
it is said that the Arch-Mage met his end
on the vengeful point of the sword wielded
by the brother of the spell?s first victim.
Thus, the spell is often referred to as
Avissar’s Bane.

There is no saving throw vs. hellfire;
however, magic resistance is effective.

The victim of Avissar’s Bane suffers the
following effects:

1. The victim's hit-point total is reduced
to 1 permanently; thus, any wound results
in unconsciousness or death.

2. The victim is in constant agony; he
feels as if he is being burned alive, and he
sweats continuously.

3. The victim is exhausted, and any
fighting is done at - 4 on "to hit" and
damage rolls.

4. There is a 15% (noncumulative)
chance per hour that the victim will be
overcome by pain and become unconscious,
only to awaken 1-4 hours later, still
in agony. This chance increases to 40% if
the victim engages in combat or other
strenuous activity for more than 15 minutes
of any single hour. Each time this
occurs, there is a 1% cumulative chance
per round thereafter that the victim dies.

These effects are permanent and will
end only with the death of the spell's
victim. The effects of hellfire cannot be
negated, save by an act of the gods, a wish
spell, or by the will of the magic-user who
cast the spell originally. The material components
are a drop of oil, a pinch of sulfur,
a powdered ruby of at least 5,000 gp value,
and the horn of a greater devil (horned
devil, ice devil, or pit fiend).

The casting of this spell is considered an
evil act, as it draws negative heat energy
from the Nine Hells directly into the victim
for purposes of causing suffering. Use of
this spell might entail severe consequences
if alignment is violated.

Fire Spells +
by Harold Dolan

Spells Dragon 123 - Fire Spells Dragon