Pit Fiend (Greater devil)

Alastor (Executioner of Asmodeus)
Baalberith (Major Domo of Asmodeus)
Baalphezon (Prime Minister of Dispater)

FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level IX])
FREQUENCY: Rare ([Astral Plane])

NO. APPEARING: 1 or 1-3
MOVE: 6"/15"
% IN LAIR: 65%
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Tail (2-8), magic use, psionics
SPECIAL DEFENSES: +2 or better weapon to hit, regeneration
ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil
SIZE: L (12' tall)
    Attack/Defense Modes: A, C, E/G, H, I
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: IX | 7900 + 18

The lowest plane of Hell is the home of the dreaded pit fiend, a devil of
great power. They possess a terrible strength and the most evil nature. All
pit fiends have personal names. They are the personal servants of
Asmadeus. Each typically carries an oncus-like weapon and a jagged-
toothed club, and all can strike with both in a melee round.

Pit fiends are able to perform any of the following at will, once per turn or
melee round, as applicable:
pyrotechnics <(MU)> produce flame wall of fire detect magic detect invisible
polymorph self - hold person - gate

* 1-3 barbed devils (60%) or another pit fiend (70% chance of success).

per day a pit fiend can use a symbol of pain -(save versus magic
or suffer -4 on attack dice rolls to hit and a -2 on dexterity for 2-20 melee
rounds). They shed fear in a 20' radius (save versus magic is applicable).

All pit fiends have a strength of 18/00, They regenerate at 2 hit points per
melee round.

Tail: If they strike with their tail and score a hit the opponent is
held with 2-8 HP of constriction damage per turn.

Aerial Combat: 15", class D.
These mightiest of devils will usually attempt to force their prey to the ground,
where they can leisurely tear them limb from limb.
Their clubs and tails are dangerous weapons in the air.

ALASTOR (Executioner of Asmodeus)

J, R: Treasure Type Questions

Gary, I was perusing the Monster Manual recently and noticed a couple of odd entries for treasure types I was hoping you could shed some light on.

Secondly, Pit Fiends are listed as possessing treasure types J and R.
While R is a fairly hefty treasure type (consisting in gold, platinum, gems and jewelry) it lacks any possibility of magical items if you play treasure placement BtB.
Also, treasure type J is an individual treasure type and consists of 3-24 copper pieces!
My question is, was the J entry a typo, perhaps for type I (directly above it on the treasure type table and consisting of platinum, gems, jewelry and the possibility of a magic item)?

Then again, I kind of like the idea of a party encountering a Pit Fiend that isn't in its lair and only getting about 13 coppers for their troubles 

Gray Mouser

Those entries are to devil the PCs, and be demoniacal 

Actually, I likely should have noted that the DM is assumed to supply Dispater with some nasty offensve magic items to employ against a PC party daring to attack him.
the same is true for pit fiends 
The latter are also smewhat likely to be guarding the treasure of another entity.


Originally Posted by Gray Mouser
Heh, no problem there.
What would a Pit Fiend be doing on the Prime Material Plane if he hadn't been summoned to guard some horde, after all? 

But does this mean that they really don't have 3-24 cp's each? 

Gray Mouser

Actually, the pit fiends should have more than that pittance 
Use I rather than J, or else make up some special array that suits you.
However, unless in their lair, these sweethearts don't carry much in the way of treasure, save for useful attack and defence items.


Originally Posted by Gray Mouser
Oh, sure.
And I'm sure if a Pit Fiend were encountered outside their lair that Wand of Fire he possesses will be used till its last charge is spent before the guy even uses his own powers, let alone melee with a party

Gray Mouser

Just so!
