Hibernate (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Components: V, S, M
CT: 1 round
ST: Neg.
AE: 1-3 creatures

A creature sent
into hibernation by a druid will sleep in a
torpid state for as many weeks as the
caster desires (up to as many weeks as the
caster has levels). During that time, the
creature's needs for oxygen, food, water,
and such are all but negligible. The creature
can be awakened, but will go back to
sleep when it is no longer interrupted,
unless it makes another saving throw.
When the spell expires, the creature will
awaken with a very intense hunger. Note
that from 1-3 creatures can be hibernated:
1 large, bear-size creature, 2 man-size
creatures, or 3 smaller creatures. Humans
and humanoids are as liable to the spell's
effects as any other creature. Sentient or
quasi-sentient plants and plant beings will
go dormant if subjected to a hibernate
spell, just as they would in winter. The
material component for this spell is the fur
from a mammal that hibernates (squirrel,
bear, etc.).

The Natural Order,
By Arthur Collins