(WG: Noniz)


FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level I])

FREQUENCY: Rare ([Cold Civilized Hills]), ([Cold Wilderness Hills])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Cold Civilized Mountains], [Cold Civilized Forest]), ([Cold Wilderness Mountains], [Cold Wilderness Forest])

FREQUENCY: Rare ([Temperate Civilized Hills])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Temperate Civilized Mountains], [Temperate Civilized Forest])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Temperate Wilderness Mountains])

FREQUENCY: Rare ([Temperate Wilderness Hills])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Temperate Wilderness Forest])

FREQUENCY: Rare ([Tropical Civilized Hills])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Tropical Civilized Mountains], [Tropical Civilized Forest])

FREQUENCY: Rare ([Tropical Wilderness Hills])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Tropical Wilderness Mountains], [Tropical Wilderness Forest])

MOVE: 6"
% IN LIAR: 50% (22 Gnomes: hilly, TPL42:6th, REF4.41)


TREASURE TYPE: Individuals [M] (x 3); [C], [Q] (x 20) in lair
DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon or 1-6
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Save at 4 levels higher
ALIGNMENT: Neutral to lawful good
SIZE: S (3'+ tall)
    Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
DEITY: Garl Glittergold

SAVES: (base) (F1)
LEVEL/XP: II/22 + 1/hp

Similar to their larger cousins, dwarves, the social organization of gnomes is based on clans, and these groups are likewise neither xclusive nor hostile to each other,
although there does xist a rivalry wherein each tries to outdo the other groups.

For every 40 gnomes encountered there will be a fighter of a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th level (die roll 1-2, 3-4, or 5-6). <Warrior, Swordsman, Hero>
If 160 or more gnomes are in a group there will be in addition one 5th level and one 3rd level fighter as chief and lieutenant of the band.
If 200 or more are encountered they will have a gnomish cleric of 4th, 5th, or 6th level in addition to the others.
If 320 or more gnomes are encountered there will be the following additional gnomes in the group:
a Myrmidon (F6), two Swashbucklers (F5s), a Lama (C7), and four Priests (C3s).

If encountered in their lair (home) there will be the following additional gnomes:
from 2-8 fighters of 2nd or 3rd level,
1-4 Adepts (C2s), and females and young equal to 50% and 25% respectively of the number of adult males.
A gnomish lair is sometimes based upon earthen burrows, although 75% of the time it will be made in rocky hill formations.

Gnomes are typically armored with leather armor which is ringed or well
studded with metal and shield (armor class 5).

They have the following typical weaponing:
01-10 short sword and short bow 10%
21-30 short sword and spear 20%
31-45 club and sling 15%
46-85 club and spear 40%
86-00 club and short sword  15%

    <Note: slings can be fire sling bullets or sling stones>

All gnomes above normal level will have chainmail and shield.
Those above 5th level will have plate armor and shield.
Higher level fighters will have a 10% chance per level of having magic armor and/or weapons.
Gnomish clerics will likewise have a 10% chance per level for 1-3 additional items (potion, clerical scroll, ring, wand/staff/rod, misc. magic) usable by clerics.

Gnomes are 80% likely to have tamed animals to serve as guards in their lair: 5-30 badgers (70%) or 3-12 giant badgers (20%) or 2-8 wolverines (10%).

Due to their great hatred of kobolds and goblins, all gnomes gain a bonus of +1 on their dice rolls to hit these opponents.
When gnomes are in melee with gnolls, bugbears, ogres, trolls, or giants their opponents must deduct 4 from their dice rolls to hit the gnomes because of their small size
and their combat skill against these much bigger creatures.

All gnomes are highly resistant to magic && poison, so they make saving throws at 4 levels above their actual level.
Gnomes can see in the dark (infravision), noting monsters at 60'.

Because of their mining skills gnomes are excellent (50% to 80% likely) in detection of passages which slope upwards or downwards,
unsafe walls, floors, and ceilings, and
approximate depth and direction.

It is rumored that there exist gnome with magical abilities up to 4th, but this has not been proved.

Besides their alignment and racial tongues, gnomes speak kobold, goblin,
halflingish, dwarvish, and can speak with burrowing mammals as well.

Description: Most gnomes are wood brown, a few range to gray brown, of
skin. Their hair is medium to pure white, and their eyes are gray-blue to
bright blue. They wear leather and earth tones of cloth and like jewelry.
The average gnome will live for 600 years.