(an imposing female gnome teen - N gf T3: Cutpurse)

RA: g
SX: f
AL: n
ST: 11
IN: 10
WI: 5
DX: 11
CN: 8
CH: 11
COM: 8(8-1+1)
LV: 3
HP: 9
AC: 8
+H: -
+D: -
DB: -
SB: -1/+2
BS: x2
R/AT: -
PP: 35
MS: 23
HS: 25
AG: 3 [youthful]
AP: 10 [imposing]
PO: 6
SA: 2
GT: 11
#H: 1-4
MI: p [potion of plant control], <carries a magickal axe she wants to sell>
<gate key to The Abyss>
<sling, sling stones>
<clerical scroll of rainbow>