This site can be reached from Dungeon Level
One by descending the ramp in area 109.
The passage is barred by a huge sheet of
bronze, the surface of which is covered
with bas relief faces of evil leering creatures. It is evidently placed to bar further
progress north, though 10' wide corridors lead east and west. This portal is too
massive to even attempt to raise by brute

The gateway can be opened by no less than
3 consecutive knock spells — 1 each
for locks, bars, and the gate itself. It can be
raised normally from the northern side,
using a windlass (see area 211). It has not
been opened in several years, as no full-ceremony sacrifices have been made since
the Temple was overthrown.

Note that this is not one of the four gates
protected by the permanent antipathy effect
to bind Zuggtmoy.

Level 2.