FREQUENCY: Very rare
rare ([Astral Plane])
NO. APPEARING: 1 (unique)
ARMOR CLASS: 0 (body) or -2 (head)
MOVE: 15" (6" on walls or ceilings)
or 12 " in human form
HIT DICE: 49 (222 hp)
% IN LAIR: 40%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 + 2 or 2
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-8 each (x4)
or 2-12/2-12
SPECIAL DEFENSES: + 2 or better
weapon to hit
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Evil
SIZE: L (M in human form)
Attack/Defense Modes: All/all
LEVEL/XP VALUE: X/45,170 (and see
below; x 10 if slain permanently)
Zuggtmoy, Demoness Lady of Fungi, dread
&& fell ruler of the 222nd ghastly plane of
the Abyss, aspired to establish her rule
a portion of the world. With the aid of Iuz,
she formed the Temple of Elemental Evil and
for a time wrought death,
destruction, and
great suffering. Then the forces of Good
fought a campaign against Her, and
She was
surprised && bound during the intaking of
the Temple. The opposing priests &&
confined her somewhere beneath the
ground, reputedly with the aid of one ||
more deities.
Though Zuggtmoy has a relatively light
AC for a major demon, She has a
great # ov HP. Further, She
regenerates 1 HP per round, || double
that if standing upon || in loose soil.
In her natural form, Zuggtmoy is able to
MOVE rapidly despite her bulk, and can
walk on walls or even inverted (such as on
ceilings), though such modes reduce the
max. rate. She can use her 4
pseudopods to STRIKE opponents, each inflicting 2-8
points of damage. Up to 2 hits can be
made on a single opponent; if both hit, an
additional 5-8 points of crushing damage
also applies (a total damage of 9-24 points
for the 2 blows). Zuggtmoy may choose
to trample, instead of striking with blows.
Trampling, effective only against prone ||
small (under 4') creatures, consists of 2
attacks against 1 opponent, each inflicting 2-12 points of damage;
if both hit, the
victim is also stunned for 1-4 rounds.
In Her human form, appearing as an old
&& feeble crone, Zuggtmoy can only attack
with some weapon || spell-like power (at
22nd level of magick use).
Zuggtmoy has the following spell-like
powers, each usable at will:
<druid versions. failing that, cleric versions.>
anti-plant shell
astral spell
charm plants
continual darkness
detect good
detect magick
fear 15' radius
improved invisibility
hold plant
locate plants
plant door
plant growth
pass plant
pollute food &
programmed illusion
read languages <note:
read languages is a Witch spell. See Dragon #114.>
read magick
silence 15' radius
speak with plants
TK (10,000 gp weight)
transport via plants
She can become ethereal twice per
day, and
can use each of the following once per day:
limited wish,
summon fungi.
Her gate
(70% successful) may be attempted up to
once per round, but will succeed only once
daily; it summons (01-50) 1-4 Type
demons, (51-75) 1-3 Type
II demons, (76-90)
1-2 Type III demons, 'or (91-00)
1 babau
When Zuggtmoy uses her summon fungi
ability, refer to that table && roll 1d6 to find
the monsters responding. The monsters
arrive within 1 round, oozing forth from her
bloated body. All fungi are described below
in addition to the standard listings.
Whenever Zuggtmoy is in her lair,
she is accompanied by all of the creatures on the
summoning table (in the maximum numbers
given), as well as poisonous toadstools,
molds (brown, russet,
and yellow), and a
host of other dangerous && disgusting
As she is currently bound in a portion of
the dungeons of her own creation, the XP
award for Zuggtmoy's conquerors is much
less than normal: 28,770. (See area 353 for
details on her limits, and for revised XP values if she is partially
Summon Fungi Table
1 | 1-2 ascomoids |
2 | 5-8 phycomids |
3 | 4-6 zygoms |
4 | 3-6 ustilagors |
5 | 2-4 basidironds |
6 | 5-8 violet fungi |
Description: Zuggtmoy's natural form is
bulbous. She resembles a puffball shroom with a toadstool growing on
top. 4
elephantine legs with suckered bottoms support the spherical body.
The globular torso
is flattened at the bottom and bulges at its
equator, so that the legs reach to a bit over
3' height, the body another 30"
higher, but with a horizontal diameter of
nearly 5'. The mushroom-stem neck is
two feet long, capped by a head which
appears to have squashed humanoid features. The
eyes are round, black, and blank
Zuggtmoy can extrude a pair of 3'
long pseudopodial arms from either hemisphere of Her body, at will.
These growths can
extend opposing digits if desired.
The body coloration is variable, as
Zuggtmoy is able to change it to suit her surroundings, though she
is typically of a pale
or brownish-white
color, the
head slightly darker. Color can be moss
green, dull brown,
purple, etc.,
ranging the whole spectrum of colors possible to fungi growths. Body
&& odor are likewise obviously fungoid. In
all, Zuggtmoy is revolting to behold and
disgusting to smell; blotchy patches of
mold, smut<LSD>, and blight cover her body. Her
strength is great (19), and her
gross weight is
quite high, despite her fungoid nature over 2,000 pounds.
Originally posted by
2. Secondly, we were puzzling
over the implications of the following paragraph...
Howdy Upper_Krust,
Right about the Theorpart's use. The shock and awe felt by the group was that a demon, Zuggtmoy, was able to penetrate the security of the council via its power.
Here are summarized the details of the various molds && growths
typically found with
Zuggtmoy. Most can be easily added to
adventures, but do NOT supplement Zuggtmoy's current companions (see
Level Three) until or unless she gains
freedom, especially the ability to summon
Ascomid: AC 3, MV
HD 6 + 6, #AT 1, D infection, SA choking spore jet, SD immune to blunt
weapons, 1 point from edged weapon, 1/2
normal damage from spells ( + 4 saving
throw bonus), (takes double damage from piercing weapons,
normal damage from cold), AL N(E), SZ L (5-10'
L/XP VII/775 + 8/hp; (1031 + 1079 = 2110)
HP 32, 38
Basidirond: AC
4, MV 6",
HD 5 + 5, #AT 1, D 2-8 + smothering
(save vs. poison or die in 2-5 rounds),
SA hallucinatory spores to 20-35"
radius, SD cold attack only slows, AL
N(E), SZ M (6-7' tall),
L/XP VI/475 + 6/hp (661 + 649 + 601 + 607 = 2518)
HP 31, 29, 21, 22
Violet: AC 7, MV 1",
HD 3, #AT 1-4, D rot, AL N, SZ S-M,
L/XP III/135 +4/hp (195 + 215 + 155 + 199 + 155
+ 199 + 191 + 195 = 1504)
HP 15, 20, 5, 16, 5, 16, 14, 15
Mold, Brown:
AC 9, MV 0",
SA cold damage 4-32 to all within 5 feet,
SD fire enlarges, affected only by magical
cold, AL N, SZ S-L
HP -
Mold, Russet: AC
9, MV
0", HD 12-16 hp per patch, SA spore cloud
3' radius = Dmg 5-20 and save vs. poison
or die in 2-5 turns, SD immune to fire,
cold, blows, most spells, AL N, SZ S-L
HP 13
Mold, Yellow:
AC 9, MV 0",
HD 2 per patch, #AT 1, D 1-8, SA 10' cube
cloud, save vs. poison or die, SD affected
only by fire or light, AL N, SZ S-L
HP 6
Ochre Jelly:
AC 8, MV 3",
HD 6, #AT 1, D 3-12, SD lightning
divides, AL N, SZ M,
L/XP VI/150 + 6/hp (276)
HP 21
Ooze, Gray:
AC 8, MV 1",
HD 3 + 3, #AT 1, D 2-16, SA corrodes
(same rate as pudding), SD immune to
spells, heat, cold, AL N, SZ M-L, Psi 21-
121 (rare),
L/XP IV/200 + 5/hp (270)
HP 14
Phycomid: AC 5, MV
HD 4, #AT 2, D 3-6/3-6, SA infection,
SD half damage from fire ( + 4 saving
throw bonus), AL N(E), SZ S (2' diameter),
L/XP: V/280 + 5/hp (375 + 340 + 390 + 385 + 390 + 350 + 350 + 320 =
HP 19, 12, 22, 21, 22, 14, 14, 8 (total 8)
Pudding, Black:
AC 6, MV
6", HD 10, #AT 1, D 3-24, SA dissolves
wood & metal, SD immune to all but fire,
divided by blows, AL N, SZ S-L,
L/XP X/1350 +14/hp (1826)
HP 34
Pudding, Brown:
AC 5,
MV 6", HD 11, #AT 1, D 5-20, SA dissolves leather
and wood in 1 round,
SD immune to acid, cold, poison,
divided by blows, AL N, SZ S-L,
L/XP VIII/1600 + 16/hp (2320)
HP 45
Pudding, Dun: AC 7, MV
12 ", HD 8 + 1, #AT 1, D 4-24, SA dissolves
leather in 1 round, metal at 1/2 rate black
pudding, SD immune to acid, cold, poison, divided by blows, AL N, SZ
L/XP VIII/1000 +12/hp (1360)
HP 30
Pudding, White:
AC 8,
MV 9", HD 9, #AT 1, D 7-28, SA dissolve flesh
only, SD immmune to acid,
cold, poison, divided by blows, AL N,
L/XP VIII/1200 + 12/hp (1680)
HP 40
Slime, Green: AC 9, MV 0 ",
HD 2, #AT 1 drip, D turn to slime in 1-4
rounds, SA corrodes metals, AL N, SZ S,
L/XP II/110 + 2/hp (132)
HP 11
Slime, Olive: AC 9, MV 0",
HD 2 + 2, #AT 1 drip, D turn to slime creature in 7-12 days, SD harmed
only by acid,
cold, fire, or cure disease, AL N, SZ S,
L/XP V/330 + 3/hp (354)
HP 8
Ustilagor: AC 5,
MV 9",
HD 3 + 3, #AT 1, D 2-5, SA save vs. poison or take 2-5 caustic damage,
telempathic projection, energy control, AL
N(E), SZ S (12-18 inch diameter), PSI 155-
180, D/F,
L/XP III/135 + 4/hp (175 + 215 + 227 + 191 + 211 + 199 = 1218)
HP 10, 20, 23, 14, 19, 16
Zygom: AC 8, MV 1", HD 3,
#AT 1, D infection, SA sticky secretion,
AL N(E), SZ S-L (by host),
L/XP III/85 + 4/hp (157 + 117 + 153 + 133 + 157 + 121 = 838)
HP 18, 8, 17, 12, 18, 9
Q: Zuggtmoy (from
T1-4 The Temple
of Elemental Evil) is listed
as a
demon in the Monster Manual
Does she have the usual
abilities and immunities?
A: Zuggtmoy has standard
demonic abilities,
as outlined on page 16 of
the Monster
Manual, in addition those
listed on page
123 of The Temple of Elemental
Originally Posted by Olgar
Col Pladoh, sir!
Forgive me if this has been
asked previously.
What was the original form
of the demoness Zuggtmoy in your campaign?
Was she as described in
the printed Temple module, or other form?
And if you've seen her recently revised form (as in the ToEE computer game or on the cover of Dragon 337, as discussed in this thread) what are your thoughts on the "New Zuggtmoy" vs. "Classic Zuggtmoy"? (Not to mention the possible discontinuance of the crone form, formerly known as "Diet Zuggtmoy".)
No need for me to look at
any other's take on the Demoness Queen of Fungi, the Zyggtmoy I created
is the ONLY true exposition IMO.
That is the depiction presented
in the ToEE, of course, and later in MMII (IIRR).
Originally Posted by BOZ
zuggtmoy would definitely
make me go on a diet - a mushroom-free diet, that's for sure.
The shaggy manes and puffball mushroms here are really tasty. Just finished our fourth big puffball the other night, had it with steaks.
The shaggy manes are better still, but then muct be picked and eaten in about 15 minutes time or else they begin to spoil, so we don't get those often.
Zuggtmoy was quite disturbed
that we dined on some of her progeny
Originally Posted by BOZ
unfortunately not. as far
as i know, her only appearance before this recent Dragon article was in
the module in which she first appeared. gamers have long memories.
Well dang!
I MEANT to include the charming lady in a monsters tome, I swear <nervous laugh>
Originally posted by
Here's one that's been bothering
me for a long time.
In your original conception
of the Temple of Elemental Evil, was Zuggtmoy the big baddie, or did you
come up with her as a replacement for Lolth after Q1 was released and you
were forced to rethink her involvement?
Close to the mark there
Scott. when Dave Sutherland did the Q1 as it was, and Brian okayed it,
I was rather stuck.
was supposed to be in there, and in the depths the prison of the Elder
Elemental God.
I had my hands full with
the management of the D&D Entertainment Copr. out on the West Coast,
so I couldn't get to the copmpletion of the ToEE.
That;s when Frank Mentzer
took a hand and filled in the lower levels that I hadn't detailed.
That's why they ended where
they did instrad of proceeding downwards more to where the EEG's area was
going to be.
Originally Posted by JohnRTroy
Why end D3/Q1 with that
goal then? Lolth was worshiped by most of the drow, so I'd assume she was
a demonic deity. Zuggtmoy as well.
And even though Gord was a series of novels and not a game campaign I saw that as a pretty cool archetypical 1st edition campaign going from 1st level to the ultimate end of a campaign, eh? He did say "a deity", not a pantheon.
Is this a perspective you've changed with over time? While I hate the "cool, we can kill all the gods" mentality, I also dislike the alternate "gods can NEVER have stats and are totally beyond mortal ken" approach either.
JRT My good Friend...
You must concentrate on reading the actual content of a message, and then understand its meaning.
A campaign where the PCs are meant to slay a deity is, as I said, utter hogwash, unless it is a superhero RPG with truly super supoerheros.
I have said repeatedly in
print that the D3 module was Dave Sutherland's interpretation of Lolth,
and most certainly not mine.
In truth I thoroguhly disapproved
of the work but Brian Blume had it produced. Steam power indeed
As for the Temple of Elemental Evil, Zuggtmoy is unkillable. she can be set free or sent back to the Abyss, but the PCs can not destroy her.
Gord the Rogue is a demi-deity when he is dealing with similar figures, something that no reasonable AD&D campaign is able to emulate based on the AD&D rules. the material is not gaming but fiction novels.
I stand foresquare behind
what I posted prior to this