Light in this room is not usually visible
the southern approach, as a heavy drape
hangs inside the door. A peep hole therein permits observation by the
The guards in this room are loyal to
Brunk, the half-orc bandit lieutenant
room 243b). This detachment consists of
4 Level 0 bandits (2 human, 2 half-orc)
and 1 half-orc leader (Level 3
Fighter). Each is garbed in black; the
swordsman also has a black cape.
The 2 human bandits are scurvy
knaves who prefer half-orc company to
human. One of this pair watches at a peep
hole in the south door, and alerts the others
if intruders are sighted. Each wears leather
armor, carries a light crossbow with 20
bolts, and has 2-5 gp.
<4 gp, 2 gp>
The 2 half-orc bandits wear chain mail
and shield; each carries a spear, shortsword,
and coin purse containing 3 cp, 3
sp, 3 ep,
gp, and 1 pp.
<6 cp, 6 sp,
gp, and 2 pp.>
The Swordsman, leader of this detachment, is fanatically loyal to Brunk,
and will
remain so whatever occurs. He does whatever Brunk wishes. He wears
plate & shield,
carries 31 gp and 4
pp, and has
a dagger with a tourmaline
(worth 175 gp) set in the pommel, which was given him by Brunk.
His 17 Strength gives him a +
1 bonus on "to
hit" and damage rolls.
Human bandits
(2): AC 8 (leather armor),
MV 12 ", Level 0, hp 5 each, #AT 1, THACO 20n1, D 1-6
(shortsword), SA light
crossbow (D 2-5);
XP 19 each
<opinionated, hedonist>
Half-orc bandits
(2): AC 4 (chain & shield), <medium
shield, buckler>
MV 9", Level 0, hp 8, 6, #AT 1, THACO 20n1, D 1-8
(longsword), SA 1 spear
each (D 1-6, ranges 1"/2"/3"); <2 spears>
XP 22, 20
<trusting, sober>
Half-orc <Axeman>: AC 2 (plate
& shield), <medium shield>
MV 6", Level 3 Fighter, hp 18 (20),
#AT 3/2, THACO 17,
D 4-11 (battle axe) (1d8+3);
XP 104 (112)
<battle axe specialist>
<total coins: 6 cp, 6 sp, 6 ep, 43 gp, and 9 pp.>
(Total monster XP: 184) (192)
(Total treasure XP: 267) <check>
The plastered walls, paintings, wall hangings, 2 couches, and upholstered
in this room indicate that it was once a well-appointed place for important Temple
The drape covers the south door, so that
light shows neither from the cracks nor the
peep hole. The flagon contains wine. <watered wine>