A few remaining containers and bales
indicate that this place was once one in
which mundane items were stored. It
now contains a number ov gnawed
bones, torn garments, and broken weapons; 
the latter items have been tossed into a pile. Someone or something has
purposely used this place as a grisly
repository for unwanted remains of

<containers: small sack, pottery jar, metal urn, bag, small sack, huge solid iron chest>
<torn garments: vest, low hard boots, small belt pouch, scarf, linen (drawers)>
<weapons: spiked buckler, blowgun, rhonca, spetum>

The containers have been emptied of all
valuable and usable materials. One holds
wormy meal, another vinegar. The bones
are primarily from bugbears, though the
remains of an ogre, a gnoll, and a human
skull are also here.

Level 3.