Asmodeus (Arch-deviI) (Overlord)

Lesser God

FREQUENCY: Very rare
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level X])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Astral Plane])

MOVE: 12"/24"
HIT DICE: 44 (199 HP)
% IN LAIR: 90%
TREASURETYPE: [I,] [R], [U], [V]
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Rod, magic use, psionics
SPECIAL DEFENSES: +3 or better weapon to hit
INTELLIGENCE: Supra genius
ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil
SIZE: L (13.5' tall)
    Attack/Defense Modes: All/all
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: X | 70,965 (for destroying material form) | 709,650 (if killed permanently)

Asmodeus, arch-fiend, the Overlord of all the dukes of Hell rules by both might and wit.
He is physically stronger than any other devil (as strong as a storm giant) and the most cunning and artful.
His mighty palace rests upon the floor of the lowest rift in Hell's ninth plane. His servitors are pit-fiends (q.v.)
and whichever of the other lesser and greater devils he commands
to service. Once per year he can command the arch-devils to attend his
court and pay homage.

The powers possessed by Asmodeus which are usable at will,
once per turn or melee round, are:
pyrotechnics produce flame wall of fire ice storm <*> [wall of ice]
[continual light] [read languages] [read magic] [detect invisible] [locate object]
[invisibility] [dispel magic] [hold person] [hold monster] [shape change]
[beguile] [rulership] [mass charm] [geas] [restoration]
[raise dead fully] - - - (fulfill another's) [wish]

<* compare: ice blight>

Asmodeus can use the following powers once
per day: [symbol of pain], [symbol of insanity], [symbol of hopelessness] (save
versus magic or submit to Asmodeus' will), (un) [holy word]. He can always
summon 2 lesser or 1 greater devil. The gaze of this arch-fiend causes fear,
fear and weakness or chill (slows 50% and -5 on all dice rolls) at his
option. Saving throw versus magic applies.

Asmodeus should be treated as a lesser god, though he very rarely has human worshipers.

MP: Asmodeus is the current overlord of the dukes of Hell. He
ruels from a great palace located in the lowest rift of Nessus, the
ninth circle of the plane. The disposition of his household and
staff is not fully described, which is to Asmodeus's liking.

Rod:Asmodeus has a glowing rod of pure ruby.
It acts as a rod of absorption.
It also causes serious wounds on anyone touched by its opaline tip.
Upon command it will shoot forth a cone of frost, a jet of acid, or a bolt of lightning (all according to the appropriate dragon breath weapon).
    (a cone of cold (frost) 7" long with a base diameter of 21/2".)
    (A blue dragon is capable of discharging a bolt of electricity (lightning) in a straight line 1/2" wide by 10" long.)
    (in this case spitting acid in a 1/2" wide stream which extends 6" in a straight line beginning at the height of the dragon's head and
    traveling in the direction and at the angle which the monster's head was facing at the time of discharging the acid.)
    <added, trim>
The value of this instrument is 1,000,000 gold pieces considering the gem qualities only!

Q: How much experience would a
barbarian character get for destroy
ing Asmodeus?s rod? How much
damage do the rod?s blasts of fire,
cold, etc., do?
A: Asmodeus?s rod is an artifact and cannot
be destroyed in the same manner as any
other item; it also has no experience-point
value, per se. The DM might decide what
the proper procedure for destroying the
rod would be, then assign an experiencepoint
value for fulfilling the quest, but this
would be treated just like any other experience
award and would be divided among
all the participating characters. The rod
duplicates the effects of the frost, acid, or
lightning breath weapon of a huge,
ancient dragon of the appropriate type
(i.e., 64 hp acid, 80 hp lightning, or 56 hp
frost damage). The rod does not produce
fire (see the Monster Manual, page 21,

Question: Does the Rod of Asmodeus only absorb 50 spell levels, like a regular Rod of Absorption, or is its power greater than that?
Is the Rod an artifact or relic?
How about Geryon’s horn?

Answer: Because the Rod of Asmodeus “acts as a rod of absorption,”
we assume that it can absorb up to 50 spell levels in a single USE (or in one encounter).
Because the rod belongs to and is con-
trolled by Asmodeus, we can assume that a powerful, magical
being such as he is capable of recharging it (unlike a normal rod,
which cannot be recharged) after a reasonable interval of time
(perhaps a day) has passed since it was last charged up. This
interpretation makes the Rod of Asmodeus infinitely powerful,
as far as its absorbing ability is concerned, but it also places a
limit on how much of the absorption power can be employed
within a certain time span.

No, neither the Rod of Asmodeus nor Geryon’s horn is an
artifact or relic. Apparently, this question is derived from the fact
that the wand used by Orcus is included on the artifacts and
relics list in the DMG. However, the wand is a
special case; as stated in the item’s description, it exists as an
artifact because Orcus sometimes chooses to let it appear on
the PMP to further the cause of chaos and evil.
Devils, being lawful evil instead of chaotic evil, do not have such
a “carefree” attitude about their precious items (such as the rod
and the horn) and will not willingly part with them in such a
fashion. Thus, the only way the Rod of Asmodeus or the horn of
Geryon, or any other-devil’s favorite weapon, can be encoun-
tered is when encountering the devil himself.

Description: There can be no question that Asmodeus is the most
handsome of all devils as well as being the strongest and most cunning.
The ultimate evil he represents can be seen in his beauty only when he so
wills or if he forgets himself and flies into a rage.

ADQ: Monster Manual II says that 
Belial is the most handsome of all the 
arch-devils. Is he handsomer than 
ADA: No. Asmodeus is the handsomest 
devil. Since Asmodeus is in charge, he is 
obviously the cleverest and most charismatic 
of all the infernal beings. 
(Polyhedron #18)


Question: I have been playing Dungeons and Dragons for
several months, to the point where I have challenged
Asmodeus and won! Is Asmodeus in a lemure state now, until
he can regain his former status, or is Baalzebul in charge?

Answer: WHEW! Either way, I’d say you are in trouble. There are
varying views on this question. One side agrees with you when you say
that he is in a lemure state, while others say Asmodeus is just banished
from the plane you defeated him on. Others go so far as to say that
Asmodeus is not dead, but just waiting to get you when you least expect
it. Any way you look at it, you, my friend, are in trouble.
If he is just in lemure state, then when he is back in full power he is
going to come looking for you to make sure you don’t do that again. If
he is dead, forever gone, then Baalzebul is going to come looking for
you to make sure you don’t get a chance to do it to him. Without all the
facts on how you mananged to defeat him, it is impossible for me to
give you a clear-cut answer. I can make suggestions, but when it comes
right down to what exactly happened and what state he is in, that is a
DM decision.
I feel that after several months of playing D&D you cannot be
anywhere near powerful enough to challenge the arch-devil himself.
However, since you say you defeated him, I would venture that he is
just banished from the plane you killed him on. I would also say that at
the first opportunity, he will bring you to hell to finish you off. Good
luck. You are going to need it.

Originally Posted by Nagora
Which brings me to a question for Gary:

You've mentioned a few times the fact that no one in your campaign would ever have been able to take on a Demon Prince. Yet I think many people would consider Mordy more than so able on his own, let alone with Robilar and some of the other "big names" in tow.

I think this reflects a general difficulty for DMs to really get to grips with the level of challenge such an opponent is supposed to represent (for instance, there is an active thread over at Dragonfoot's 1st edition forum about why Asmodeus is a whimp because he "only has 199" hit points).

In broad terms, Gary, how would you recommend a DM doing justice to the power of the top ranks of the Evil planes when encountered by high level PCs?

Such deital figures are so far beyond ant effects by mortals that I would simply give a warning to that effect, then:

Asmodeus (or whomever it was the PCs were contemplating assaulting) would send in a few companies of devils (or demons) so as to have some entertaining sport to amuse him for a time. When he tired of that, it would be time do something such as begin killing each of the offending mortals slowly with his power, drawing out their soul if not protected from him by some other like deity, and sending it off to suffer in one of the hells or a layer of the abyss.

If: "Hey! you can't do that because X isn't like that in the book," so what? Who says that the information in that work is correct in regards to deities? Do you imagne they are going to reveal their secrets to the likes of you?
