Men : Berserker


FREQUENCY: Rare ([Dungeon Level I])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level I])
<errata this>

FREQUENCY: Rare ([Cold Civilized Mountains], [Cold Civilized Hills], [Cold Civilized Forest], [Cold Civilized Swamp], [Cold Civilized Plains], [Cold Civilized Desert])

FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Cold Wilderness Mountains], [Cold Wilderness Hills], [Cold Wilderness Forest], [Cold Wilderness Swamp], [Cold Wilderness Plains], [Cold Wilderness Desert])

FREQUENCY: Rare ([Temperate Civilized Mountains], [Temperate Civilized Hills], [Temperate Civilized Forest], [Temperate Civilized Swamp], [Temperate Civilized Plains], [Temperate Civilized Desert])

FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Temperate Wilderness Mountains], [Temperate Wilderness Hills], [Temperate Wilderness Forest], [Temperate Wilderness Swamp], [Temperate Wilderness Plains])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Temperate Wilderness Desert])

FREQUENCY: Rare ([Tropical Civilized Mountains], [Tropical Civilized Hills], [Tropical Civilized Forest], [Tropical Civilized Swamp], [Tropical Civilized Plains], [Tropical Civilized Desert])

FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Tropical Wilderness Mountains], [Tropical Wilderness Hills], [Tropical Wilderness Forest])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Tropical Wilderness Swamp], [Tropical Wilderness Plains], [Tropical Wilderness Desert])

ARMOR CLASS: 7 <shield + dex>
MOVE: 12"
HIT DICE: 2-7 HP <2-9 HP?>
% IN LAIR: 10% (5 Berserkers: large city, TPL4-8:1st, REF4.5)
TREASURE TYPE: Individuals [K], [B] in lair
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 (or 2) ~ {0 = 20 | 1 = 19 | 2 = 18 | 3 = 17 | 4 = 16 | 5 = 15 | 6 = 14 | 7 = 13 | 8 = 12 | 9 = 11 | 10 = 10}
INTELLIGENCE: Mean: average to very
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: I | 14 + 1

<base: add Bar bonuses>
<+4 vs. poison,
+3 vs. paralyzation, death magic, petrification, and polymorph,
+2 vs. rod, staff, wand, and breath weapon>

Berserkers are bands of fighters who gather together to go out and seek bottle. <barbarians>
They scorn armor and engage in combat mad with battle lust.
This lust enables them to strike twice, or once with a +2 to hit.

For every 10 berserkers encountered there will be a 1st level fighter in addition, <Tribesman>
for every 20 there will be a 2nd level, <Savage>
for every 30 there will be a 3rd, <Clan Brother>
for every 40 there will be a 4th, <Hunter>
and for every 50 there will be a 5th -- <Warrior>
all in addition to the number indicated by the dice.

Berserkers will be led by a war chief of 9th or 10th level <9: Chief, 10: War Chief> and
two subchieftains of 6th <Brave> or 7th <Elite Warrior> level --
if 60 or less berserkers, the lower levels, if more than 60, the higher levels.

For every 10 berserkers encountered there is a 50% chance thot there will
be a berserk Lama (C7) and 1-4 of his assistants of 3rd or 4th level. <3: Priest, 4: Curate>

Berserkers never check morale.
If they decide that a FIGHT would bring them honor (and possibly loot) they will attack.

When he spends his starting
gold, he must limit himself to weapons known to his tribe, and
may not choose missile weapons.
Good choices include battle axe,
club, dagger or dirk,
footman’s flail, mace, or pick, hand axe, spear, or sword (any). - PHBR1

<the mace & the pick would likely be the footman's versions>
