
FREQUENCY: Rare ([Dungeon Level I])
FREQUENCY: Rare ([Temperate Wilderness Forest], [Temperate Wilderness Swamp])
FREQUENCY: Rare ([Tropical Wilderness Swamp])
<chk above>

ARMOR CLASS: 6 (or better)
MOVE: 3" // 15"
% IN LAIR: 20%
TREASURE TYPE: [J], [K], [M], [Q] (x 5) & [C] (magic only) in lair
NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 or 1
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-2/1-2/2-5 or by weapon <default: spear? javelin?>
INTELLIGENCE: Low to average
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
SIZE: S to M
    Regular = I | 18 + 1
    Leader = II | 36 + 2
    Shaman or Great Chief = III | 80 + 3



The bullywugs are a batrachian race of bipedal monsters which inhabit wet places --
rainy forests, <rainforests: in WSG terms, trofo, perhaps subtrofo, as well>
damp caves or virtually any other place which is shady or dark and has water nearby,
for bullywugs need to dampen their skins from time to time.

Some types of these creatures are more intelligent than others.
The intelligent groups tend to dwell in caves || deserted human habitations,
and they will usually <(76%+)?> have armour,
shields and various forms of weapons
(use the example of human bandits for arms and armour).
d10 Weapon/Armor d%
1 chainmail & shield, sword 10%
2 leather armor& shield, spear 10%
3 leather armor, light crossbow 10%
4-7 leather armor& shield, sword 40%
8 leather armor, pole arm 10%
9 leather armor, light crossbow 10%
0 leather armor, short bow 10%

shield = large shield, small shield, small wooden shield

The less advanced bullywugs hate their more intelligent fellows and war upon them.
<UA: 2 seperate creatures, and stupid bullys vs. smart bullys = TP (TARGET priority) 1>

Unless encumbered by armour and shield,
a bullywug is able to swim rapidly <(15")>.
Even with such encumbrance,
a bullywug can swim at 9" SPEED.
with or without adornment,
a bullywug can hop forward 3" or upwards 11/2".
In doing so,
the creature adds +1 to its 'to hit' die rolls or rolls.
If it is using an impaling weapon,
the bullywug delivers double damage as a result of a successful hopping attack.

The hopping attack with a weapon is their normal means of melee.
However bullywugs without access to weapons,
or those which have been disarmed,
will still hop to the attack in which case they use two claws (1-2 hit points <HP> of damage each) and a bite (2-5 hit points <HP> of damage).

Camouflage: Bullywugs have a chameleon<colour in, like camouflage? : do same with link in SD, above?>-like power;
their skin colouration <colour?> can be [grey], [green] or [brown] in light or dark shades. <do full colouring, do not bold the camouflage heading, added, to keep it subtle>
Thus, if motionless and in an AREA which allows the use of the camouflage <color> power,
a bullywug is 75% unlikely to be noticed (this applies to [infravision] as well, as the colour <colour> alteration also alters body heat).
When attacking unnoticed from camouflage <colour> conditions,
the bullywug has a 3 in 6 chance of surprising its victim (5 in 6 if it is hopping to the attack).

The major weakness of these creatures is that unless they are employing long weapons,
their attacks always take place after those of their opponents,
due to slow speed of movement or exposure while hopping.
Note that a weapon can be set against a hop just as against a charge (which, in effect, a hop is).

+ Bullywugs form organised bands and are always led by a large individual with a full 8 hit points.

+ If 30 or more of these creatures are encountered,
    there will be at least 5 large individuals and a leader of 10-13 hit points (effectively a 2-dice monster) doing +1 damage on all attacks.

+ Those using armour, etc. will also have a 10% chance per ten <(10)> creatures in the group of having a tribal shaman of 11-14 hit points<HP>.

+ Groups of 60 or more will have a great chief of 16-19 hit points <HP> which does +2 damage on all attacks.

<+, space, added to above>

These creatures will readily serve chaotic evil masters,
human or otherwise.
It is rumoured that bullywug-human crossbreeds are viable and that certain degenerate humans dwell in mixed communities with these monsters,
serving unnamed things from caverns deep beneath the earth.

The bullywugs have their own,
rather primitive language and the more intelligent ones can converse rather haltingly in the common tongue,
though their vocabulary is rather limited.
They are held in disdain by the [sahuagin],
who will occasionally raid a bullywug lair for sport and out of sheer malice,
eating any captive alive.
Lizard men will rarely associate with bullywugs,
though there is no open hostility towards them.

by Gary Gygax and Luke Gygax

<Note: add belts (3 sp - 0.3#), to each bullywug's TREASURE, as a default>

<Note: See OSRIC.196, Batrachians. These would perhaps be the equivalent of bullywugs, and some of them might worship Cthulhu.>